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Product Produced in the Middle East and Its Impact on Business Environment

Product Produced in the Middle East and Its Impact on Business Environment


The research paper is of immense significance as it address the current scenario of the promotion of Islamic products, keeping Fulla doll as the main product as it has been developed keeping in view all the factors in mind that contributes to the Islamic culture yet it is one of the most successful products in the industry of Middle Eastern countries, Although there are other hijab dolls in the market as well but still Fulla stands as the most successful one in the market. This research paper will take into account all the issues and reasons behind the success of Islamic products which are manufactured in the Middle Eastern region.

The Muslim dolls emerged first as a competition to the Barbie in 1997, the first doll was named Razanne, which was an alternative for the Muslim girls. The reason behind its creation was to promote the Islamic cultural values and tradition in kids at a very early age, So that they will later be able to practice it in their future. (Beauchamp 2004 78)

To preserve and promote all at the same time the values and culture of the Muslims, several companies have attempted to create and produce dolls for Muslim children. However nothing surpassed the way the Fulla dolls have taken the market by storm. This trend is nothing like any other. It is because Fulla dolls have proven that it is not only a toy- but something more substantial than that.

Fulla and Muslim Culture

Fulla doll is an icon to Islamic little girls. Barbie doll was pushed aside and taken the back seat as this doll ruled the racks of the toy stores in the Middle East. And ever since, Fulla doll didn't fail the parents and children alike with its effects and influence to everyone.

Customer satisfaction is very evident seen through its rising number of sales and this alone is enough to guarantee you that a Fulla doll is a must have for your children. But let's look at a deeper level as to why the figures sky rocket and why you should buy the Fulla doll among other dolls out there.

“A Girls Dream Doll” as what some of them calls it, Fulla dolls appearance already shows how Muslim women dress up. She has strong facial features like a large round eyes and black shiny hair that is covered with a head scarf or abaya. Like an ordinary Muslim woman also, she is independent yet still preserves her modesty and being conservative. (Bhat 2010 87)

Research Questions

"Middle east based Companies are increasingly focusing on consumers who want products that conform to Islamic ideals". Critically assessing the effectiveness of strategy in the long term and evaluate whether this strategy represents a positive or a negative influence on Middle East and North Africa business environment.

Terminologies Defined


In this paper the term “Islamic” is used constantly to emphasize ...
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