Business Environment

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BT Group Plc.

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[Word Count (excluding Title/Reference page): 3335 words]



BT - The Organization2



Private Sector Company3

Short Term Objectives3

Long Term Objectives4

Impacts on BT due to industrial changes7

Comparison of purpose9


Natural Environment in which the business operates13

Behaviour of Organizations in Market14

Assessment of global factors significance16




This assignment discusses about the details regarding the telecom giant - BT - its goals strategies, stakeholders and their interest, it tries to comprehend the national environment it works in the difficulties and issues created by changing variable of aggregate demand, the behaviour of the organization market in the market environment and finally the assessment of global factors that make way for business activities.


BT - The Organization

The organization under discussion is BT Group plc. BT, which is short for British Telecom, is communication service organization offering broadband, mobile as well as fixed phone line services/products, and TV services/products along with networked IT services. It serves customers globally (in excess of 171 countries). It has it's headquarter located in London and it provides employment to more than 89,025 people (Marketline, p.3).


Their mission orbits around an unquestionable dedication towards the quality of experience and service received by the customers. The organization is a customer-focused business providing differentiated products/solutions that are designed according to the needs of the customer (Fretter, 2013).


BT visions to make the complexity in life (due to rapid convergence and changes in technology) more transparent, i.e. to make things easier, thereby enabling organizations, businesses and individuals to grasp their potential (with the utilization of communications). They want to connect every one with each other in any way possible (Fretter, 2013).

Private Sector Company

The sector to which the company belongs is the private sector. It uses the acronym plc, in its name, which is short for 'Public Limited Company'. In the year 1981, it became a public corporation after separating from UK Post Office. It went public following the Telecommunications Act.

Short Term Objectives

Their aim is to enhance shareholder value by ensuring a better future for BT. Their main focus is on better delivery of customer services, transformation of costs and future investments.

Customer Service Delivery

BT is continuously involved in improving the service provided to its customers. This is done by comprehending the needs of the customers which makes it easier for the customers to deal with BT, and as a consequence, this enables BT to act fast in response to customer related issues. Getting it 'Right the First Time' or simply RFT is a customer service metric that is utilized by BT to ensure that the customer receives the right product/service, first time. It is improved every year (since 2006-2007); however, the record rainfall caused floods across the United Kingdom, and subsequently resulted in many network faults during the year (throughout) (BT Group plc (2013), pp.13-18; BT Group plc (2011), pp.6-8).

Cost Transformation

A critical objective for any business, BT achieved better and efficient cost saving in the business all over. They are able to cut waste, apply finest practices and have successfully unchained the resources ...
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