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Business Environment- Marks & Spencer

Business Environment- Marks & Spencer


1.1 The Type of Organisation and Its Main Purposes

Mark and Spencer is a public limited organisation. This means that the stock of Mark & Spencer is traded on stock Exchange, which can be purchased and sold by everyone. Mark & Spencer have 703 stores all over United Kingdom. The largest store is located at Marble arch. In that store the organisation also provide high quality food to the clientele. Mark & Spencer provide good quality products, innovation and customer services. The organisation is a developed firm that has attained a range of materials from former 128 years which include written records, garments, staff publication and house hold products (Hallbauer, 2008, pp. 4-23).

Being one of the major retailers, the company sells good quality clothes and home products as well as food items. The supplies are arranged from 2,000 vendors worldwide. The company wants to maximize its profits by providing goods and services at the best possible rates. Moreover, it is objective of the organisation to treat all the employees with respect and pay their salary on time. In addition, the management makes sure that Mark & Spencer do not fall apart and they meet all the objectives along with continuous growth and increasing profits.

1.2 The Extent to Which Mark & Spencer Meet the Objectives of Different Stakeholders

The external stakeholders include customers, public, suppliers, government and internal stakeholders include managers and employees. Mar & Spencer obtains its goals and objectives through on time payment to government and provision of best services and high quality products to customers. The management obtains aims and objectives in a way that they are required to make sure that they get right things. They perform double check at every step and they ensure the on time payment to their suppliers as well. The management make the public aware of their new products and any changes that is made within the organisation (Hallbauer, 2008, pp. 4-23).

Moreover, it is objective of the organisation to treat all the employees with respect and pay their salary on time. In addition, the management makes sure that Mark & Spencer do not fall apart and they meet all the objectives along with continuous growth and increasing profits.

1.3 The Responsibilities of Mark & Spencer and Strategies Employed By the Company to Meet Them

It is the ethical and business responsibility of Mark & Spencer to treat all the employees equally with respect. In addition, the organization is bound to make on time payments to its suppliers and provide good quality products and services to customers. Since as an organization, the management is required to ensure that their products and services meet the expectations of the customers. Moreover, the management has developed its ethical duty to ensure that organizational culture should be sensitive to things in is surrounding. Furthermore, the management is responsible to perform all the business operations in an ethical way (Hallbauer, 2008, pp. 4-23).

Task 2

2.1 The Economic System in Which Mark & Spencer Operates

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