Business Environment

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Business Environment - Assignment Two

Business Environment - Assignment Two

TASK 1.1

Role of NGOs

NGOs are non-profit associations of civil society who organize spontaneously to perform certain kind of activity whose character is of public interest. Develop actions in different areas and mobilize public opinion and popular support to improve certain aspects of society. The most used form is the civil association - in contrast to public organizations and commercial organizations - with no economic and non-profit purpose. The governing an NGO is its status. But as textual definition - what is not government - the term is so broad that it encompasses any organization non state nature. It is understood that a civil association born from the autonomous will of a group of people coming together in pursuit of a social goal or with a social cause in common. Somehow the creation of an NGO is an answer that society is to point the inability of governments to perform certain functions. But its appearance should never replace the state, ie NGOs can not be compared to the government in their social actions. Should only be a means for governments to boost the success of their actions, and thus must be understood. The NGOs can very depending on who achieve credibility in society - they often lack the governments - and the agility with which he performs his mission, proving that it is possible to change society for the better with few resources and little time.

Role of Government Organizations

The government aim to provide services to society. They can be considered as extremely complex dynamical systems, interdependent and interrelated consistently involving information and their flows, organizational, people and technology structures. They fulfil their duties, seeking greater efficiency of public administration and better care for society. Control the management of these systems is the major challenge for administrators. Due to the rapid pace of change, organizations to become viable, require investment in strategic planning and defining their functions. This planning should be done on an ongoing basis through periodic analysis of organization's strategies and evaluation of their roles, considering the threats and perceived opportunities in the external and internal environment. The definition of the function must be adequate, continuous and systematic process able to identify needs interference to achieve the goals set in the plan.

It is important to consider alternatives to the internal structure of institutions to support the identification and understanding of information, as the information systems existing produce a large amount of data. However, these data should be better shared and used to assist in the process of decision making and to that view their potentialities and limitations

Role of Charity Organizations

The meaning of charity organizations is basically organizations that were established for the sole purpose of performing functions relating to charity. Most of these organizations devote resources to charitable activities. Its main function is to benefit the public by performing worthy causes that help the general public. Most of these charities perform functions of community ...
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