Business Enterprises

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Business Enterprises

Small Business Enterprise




Lo 1.1: Profile of Caffe Finix4

Strength and Weakness4



Lo 1.2 Analysis of the Business5

Lo 2.1: Overcome the Identified Weakness6

Lo 2.2: Ways for Maintaining the Business Performance6

Lo 2.3: Expanded area of Cafee Finix7


Lo 3.1: Existing Business Objectives7

Existing Plans of Cafee shop for achieving Objectives8

Lo 3.2: Revision of Business Plans8

Lo 3.4: Action plans9

Market Analysis9

Market Segmentation9

Targeting strategy10

Lo 4.1: Changes on the Business and its Personnel10

Social Factors11

Political and legal Factors11

Economic Factors11

Technological Factors12

Environmental Factors12

Lo 4.2: Manage the Change in the Business12



Lo 4.3 Improvement in the Performance of Business14





Small Business Enterprise


This study comprises of secondary data. It is the quantitative data and qualitative data which is collected form different websites of U.K coffee cafe and small and medium sized enterprises (SME).


Small and medium sized enterprises are those enterprises which have less number of employees, annual turnover is less and annual balance sheet does not exceed £43 million. According to the data chart of U.K, SME from all the sectors contribute 99.9 percent and it employed 14.4 million workforces (Rothwell and Dodgson, 1991, 125-138).

In the U.K, coffee shop is the largest shops in the small business enterprises (SME). Nearly more than 20000 stores are developed with the annual revenues is more than £15 billion. Major coffee shops in the U.K are Monmouth, Flat white, Taylor Street Baristas, Workshop coffee, Kaffeine, Sacred cafe, Nude Espresso etc. coffee is one of the most used product in the commodities. Coffee consumption is very high in the United Kingdom and especially in the Stratford. Coffee shops not only sold various types of coffee but also it sold cold blended beverages, bottled water, juices and soft drink, espresso drink, tea, pastries, different bakery items and sandwiches etc.

The most committed customer of coffee are the people in the age between 25 to 45 year old, while target audience of coffee also includes teenagers in the college or university. Teenagers spend most of their time in coffee shop. They enjoy music, chat with friends, study with teams etc. profitable coffee stores are those which provide quality product with fewer prices. Coffee shop must be developed near colleges, universities, business, airport, cinema, shopping malls, etc. This study is about the Caffee Finix (the small sized enterprise), a local coffee shop, which is situated in the Stratford near college and shopping center. In this study, the existing business objectives, plans and strategies are discussed. Also revise business plans and objectives are made in order to survive in the changing environment of U.K.


Lo 1.1: Profile of Caffe Finix

Caffe Finix is the local coffee shop establishes in 2009 in Stratford. It is situated behind the Stratford College and Westfield shopping centre. Caffe Finix coffee shop is a shop for daily necessity. It is a place where people escape their daily stress of life, people meet their friends and also read their books. The owner of coffee shop is Mr. Khan and it is a 1500 square foot coffee shop. 25000£ fund was allocated for the establishment of coffee ...
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