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Business Economics

Business Economics

Business Economics


Apple is an American multinational business formerly called APPLE COMPUTER INC known for the manufacture and sales of electronic gadgets, computers and softwares. Apple is mainly known for its production of Macintosh computers, now called Mac. Other highly bought and rated products include iphone, iPod and iPad. The software's used and developed by Apple Inc include iOS and OSX operating systems. Apple is currently in the world's top 3 mobile phone companies competing with nokia and Samsung. Originally, known as Apple computer from the start changed its name to Apple after spreading its target from mainly computer items to customer products.

Being a multinational company apple covers the global market. The main countries influenced by apple are US, UK Germany, France and Japan. Other parts of the world are also being covered through indirect channels.


Apple offers a list of products that mainly range from electronics to computers. Their main market is mobile phones (smart phones) and personal computers. Several side products may also include music players, softwares and networking solutions that may be provided to business to business customers. Apple also has their own proprietary of operating system known as iOS and Mac OSX. These softwares are dedicatedly designed for their computers and phones.

Some products are discussed below.

Competitors of Apple

The main market for apple includes general consumer market mainly youngsters and professionals. Several business customers are also covered by apple where it entertains business relationship according to their products. The main target today for apple is the local market and the customer age is mostly youngster and professional below 45 years of age. Apple uses a number of different direct and indirect distribution channels to cater their market. Such as on the internet, stores and cellular network carriers and wholesalers. Apple also appreciates the fact that the increased sale of their company is not only due to the innovative and superior products in the market; this is also because of the high class sales representatives and advertisement staff that enhance their sales through production and advertisement of their products and services. Also another aspect covered by apple is that they mainly target their market through a direct channel in which the customers are directly marketed about their product. The competition of apple is not only with respect to their smart phones but it is also on the basis of their operating system in the smart phone market.


The competitor market of apple before mainly included computer manufactures like dell, Microsoft and Intel and IBM. However, getting roots in consumer electronics and mobile phones apple is now competing with several other organizations. Some of those names include Sony, Samsung, nokia, HP, and Toshiba.

Apple competes with Intel, Microsoft, dell and IBM in the field of computer and software manufacturing. After the start of mobile manufacturing apple is now also competing with Sony, Samsung, HTC, nokia and others. Apple now has a firm base in nearly all consumer electronics as is competing with others at a high ...
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