Business Development Plan

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Business Development Plan

Executive Summary

The name proposed for the small and medium enterprise that is situated on the high street is High Fast Food that will be connected within the manufacturing of almost all kind of fast food products that are demanded by the people of that region. This paper will discuss on the importance for a business for going towards e-commerce practices instead of performing traditional commerce practices. This fast food business will be primarily engaged in the making of different kinds of products such as burgers, fries, sandwiches and some other fast food products. This fast food restaurant will be solely operated by the owner himself. The market condition of this fast food outlet will be attractive for the customers, because it will be located near the school and the business market of fast food and has been increased over the past few years lately. The initial investment of this business will be 15,000 pound and it is expected to increase according to the market condition. The businesses that are operated online through a website currently generate annual sales of 350 million pound working on the internet and using online business portfolios. The target market of the business consists of companies whose annual turnover ranges from 40,000 and 500,000 pound. Prices for the products are identical to those of its competitors; however, it is not planned to compete with them on price but rather by the convenience and quality of the services provided by the business. Under the assumptions of this plan, the company expects to break even during its first year of operation.


A business plan is crucial element for starting any new business or moving towards becoming a virtual organization from its traditional organizational structure. It contains all the description as to how should we achieve the vision of the business in becoming a virtual organization. Planning plays an important role in business development plans as approximately 80% of new businesses fail are mostly due to a lack of planning and the process planning, which is very necessary for the smooth flow of food delivery services business. It is important for the plan that it should include all the skills to examine and clearly understand the issues which can encounter in market. This is an online business-to-business and business-to-consumer based business

This research is based on Business plan for High Fast Food restaurant in United Kingdom. This is new business that is established on medium scale and wants to enter into the market. Before diverting their traditional commerce practice to online commerce that is e-commerce practice and completely abandon their physical outlet, a business plan is needed in order to get a clear view of what the business could expect in future.


This bakery will be made to provide fresh and quality products to the students and at the same time making good profit for the owner.


The target of the first year $10,000

Second year sales target will 50% and third year target will be 30% ...
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