Business Decision Making

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Business Decision Making

Business Decision Making

Task one

a) Prepare and implement a plan for the collection of primary and secondary data to investigate this issue.

The data, according to their origin, can be divided into two groups: primary data and secondary data. Primary data are those that the researcher obtains directly from reality, collected with their own instruments.

The primary and secondary data are not two fundamentally different kinds of information, but parts of the same sequence: all secondary data has been primary in origin and all primary data, from the moment the researcher concludes its work, becomes on secondary data to others.

In everyday experience also constantly appeal to both types of sources. Suppose, for example, that we arrived for the first time a city in which we want to go to certain sites. To achieve our goal we go taking note of the cross streets, the location of monuments, plazas and major stores, so as to form an idea for us to position ourselves as a reference. We may also ask locals about our points of interest directed at those who assume they are better informed. By using both resources will be collecting primary data in the first instance by the technique of observation, the second with the help of interviews. But we can also go to the information you provide plans, maps and guidebooks. In the latter case the sources of our data will be compiled and organized materials previously by others, so that they will be secondary data.

This simple example from common experience does not differ essentially from what happens when we collect data for scientific research. Here, our procedures do not have to be more developments and improvements much more systematic and rigorous course of such rudimentary techniques.

The task of recruiting local students is not merely a passive perception of events, situations or things. We spoke earlier of an active perception which means a constant exercise specifically designed to select, organize and relate the data concerning our problem. Not everything that appears in the field of the observer is important and, if so, not always in the same degree, not all data refer to the same variables or indicators and must be alert to discriminate properly the whole possible set of information.

It is also essential to record any comment is made ??to organize then collected into a coherent whole. For it is inevitable to take any notes or notes that serve as a record of what has been observed. The most common ways to record information are: field notebooks, diaries, notebooks, work tables, graphs and maps. Without going into detail about their use and their characteristics, we must recognize that they are all valuable aids for the researcher, it can be recorded and systematizing a wealth of data such that in any case, we can trust to memory.

But the problem of registration can be very delicate when it comes to the observation of social phenomena. In many circumstances it is virtually impossible to take notes ...
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