Business Decision Making

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Business Decision Making

Business Decision Making

Business Decision Making


This case of Kellogg India Limited was identified as to cater the failure of their products in the market and success of the competitors. They launched the product with the target market of kids as their primary customers. When a company launches the product they face success and failures. They have identified that failure of the product and the second entry of the product in the market will be a success. As to identify the failure of the product it is necessary to conduct primary for Crunchy Nut Brand Extension the data for this brand will be conducted via primary research. Through the research they had identified the number of consumers who are interested in purchasing Kellogg's product (Shah, 2013, pp.5).

Requirement 1:

1.1Plan for Collection of primary and secondary data

To develop Crunchy Nut Brand Extension the data for this brand will be conducted via primary research. As primary research is a reliable source for gathering data. There is a list of questions and consumer provides feedback regarding the brand. Primary research is decisive in nature. Survey will be conducted in primary research. Primary research includes consumer research and retailer's research. The primary research deals with the purchasing behavior of consumers. The pattern of consumption of consumers will be identified. The preference of the consumers will be identified. The product positioning is of prior importance. The retailer's survey is also conducted for this study as the perception of retailers towards the brand is of high importance. There is also the influence of retailer in pushing the brand. They also identify the case study of following useful brands. There is a plan to implement the primary research which is quantitative in nature questionnaire to be filled. It will identify the launch of new product that includes new flavors in the market. To identify the prediction regarding growing of the brand. To identify the cultural differences that persists within the brand. So this was the pan that used to be implemented to conduct the research (Shah, 2013, pp.5).

1.2Survey methodology and frame used for Kellogg's case.

The research framework depicted above is self explanatory and it is used to gather data for the new brand. The research methodology is of quantitative research. Quantitative research involves a questionnaire in which statistical analysis is conducted. The number of responses are structured and it involves a big sample size that is number of respondents are more as compared to qualitative research. The quantitative research involves interview that are face to face. Telephonic interviews are conducted as to identify the purpose of the research (DJ Research, pp.2).

There is a type of survey in which few questions are asked form respondents and when they gain insight regarding the information. This scenario the product is already failed so as to identify the attributes of the product that are disliked by consumers the quantitative survey will be a useful technique as to identify the consumer opinion regarding the brand (Kellogg's Indian ...
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