Business Decision Making

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Business Decision Making

Business Decision Making


Problem in a business may arise at any level any stage and for the research undertaken by the management become as essential thing in order to analyze the issues and practices which could be minimized by focus on them. The professional researchers and individuals in a business organization are very much concerned for studying disciplines and course that are relevant to the issues and problems of any business. Then with the help of their knowledge, they give a deep insight on that problems and try to solve that issues. In going through this process, they are also required to conduct several types of researches so that an appropriate cause of the problem as well as some effective and better solutions to the business problems could be gained.

For conducting a research to solve the business related issues, it is first necessary to analyze and prevent any kinds of ethical issues from any business as such issues are directly related to the Human Resource of an organization as such type of issues in an organization can badly influence the employees and their behavior towards their workplace. They would be more unsatisfied towards their work and the overall environment of the organization would be affected by those problems (Diener & Crandall, 1978, p. 76).


When ethical problems arise in a business setting then it create problem for almost everyone in some sense. The whole management is disturbed along with the employees in an organization. The Human Resource of an organization is the greatest asset by which a business is able to approach towards its goals and objectives efficiently and effectively. If that main resource in the form of humans is disturbed and unsatisfied with their work environment or work place then it creates a lot of issues and problems for a business and ultimately the performance and profitability of the business is negatively affected (Barlett & Higgins, 2001, p. 45).

In order to analyze any ethical issues and problems of any business and then taking initiatives to prevent or reduce them to occur, it is required to perform some practices by the management and senior executives for analyzing effectively those factors that are creating issues in the organization. For analyzing such issues, management conduct researches in the organization to seek out proper reason and causes by that the organization faces those kinds of issues. Some of the main factors which are mandatory to consider when there is a need arise to conduct a research in the business organization. Such are:

Are there some issues which required to be kept in privacy?

Is there any harm can occur to the interested participants of the research for their participation?

Is there is some consents which are not properly informed to the participants?

Is there some type of deception to the participants if they are involved in the research procedure? (Willson, 1980, p. 22).

It is highly required by the management to look carefully at each factor that could be formulated ...
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