Business Case Proposal

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Business Case Proposal


Business Case Proposal1

Executive summary4

Business Case Proposal5


a.Business objectives of this proposal5

i.Identify the problem to be solved or need to be filled.5

ii.How does it benefit the community?5

iii.What are the expected outputs?5

b.Performance measurement (quantifiable)6

Current situation and Market Opportunities6

c.Market analysis6

i.Describe the current market and/or trends.6

ii.Is there a market for this project?6

d.SWOT analysis6




e.Output analysis8

i.Summaries the market in relation to the SWOT analysis8

ii.Describe the specific target market and where this project stands in relation to that market?8

Project Requirements8

a.List and describe the requirements needed to carry out this project.8

1.Budget estimate and financial analysis10

a.How much does it cost? (Main costs and overall budget)10

b.Detail the return on investment and payback period.11

Risk Assessment11

a. Discuss the risks involved in implementing this proposal and how they will be managed.11

Schedule Estimates12

a.How long will it take to complete the project?12

b.List and describe the major milestones.13



Executive Summary

City parks and open spaces are helpful to our psychological and physical health, communities become strengthen and make locality as more attractive place to work and live. But there are only few Australians are able to enjoy such benefits. Around 75% of Australians lives in the metropolitan areas and these areas are severely lacking these facilities. Only 20% of Sydney residents live within walking distance of nearby park (Maller, 2006) .

People lives in low income communities are specially facing lack of parks space facilities. There is a strong need to address these issues. Australian voters have shown their willingness to raise their own tax rates to pay for improved and new parks. There is a strong evidence shows that people exercise more when they have access to parks (Champ, 1997). Exercise on regular basis shown to reduce wide range of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and colon cancer. Beside from exercise benefits, research shows that health people are able to contact with natural world because they have improve physical health.

Study also indicates that green spaces in urban areas also effective from environmental point of view (Bedimo-Rung, 2005). Trees are helpful to reduce air and water pollution, they help to keep cities color and less expensive way to manage water storm. Local community gardens can connect people from different cultures and background, reducing crimes by cleaning up unoccupied lots and build leaders in community. In lights of these potential benefits, I recommend multi-national company to put their efforts to bring parks for my local community peoples through which everyone can benefit from it.

Business Case Proposal


Business objectives of this proposal

Identify the problem to be solved or need to be filled.

Sydney has no public green space larger than 1/3 of a square mile. The city has only 8 acres of park spaces for every 12000 residents as it compare with 20 acres for other high density cities (Pollution, 2010). In Sydney, less than half city 60 community broad districts have less than 2 acres of parkland per 12000 residents.

How does it benefit the community?

When I interviewed with my neighborhood that they are willing to pay more taxes for new and improved parks, ...
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