Business And Society

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Business and Society

Business and Society

Answer 1

Through the gold mining process, water, land and air pollution are created. There are varieties of policy approaches to the governments that can control water, land and air pollution. The alternative approaches of effective policies may be adopted by the government such as environmental standards that is also known as command and control regulation in which government commands companies to meet certain standards and sometimes directly control their choices of technology. Other type of approach is the environmental quality standard in which a certain geographical area is permitted to create certain pollutant such as sulfur dioxide in the air. One more type of controlling pollution from gold mining is emission standard in which government permits a certain amount of chemical or toxic release i.e. 1% into the air but not more than this percentage (Rachels, 2003).

The government should not depend on the market mechanism and the volunteer ship for controlling the environment and they should take some initiative for making firm decisions for stopping contamination (Rachels, 2003). Government should also implement some new rules and regulations and impose more tax on mining companies. Besides that, every individual must be responsible to make our environment green and improved.

Answer 2

The critique of the utilitarian raises the question regarding the rights of human. Anyone or individuals would not like to surrender their rights over to another's discretionary authority. For making the important choices that are an ultimate authority owe by an individual cannot give authority to someone else to exercise that right. Utility is not the basic reason why the individuals' basic rights must not be violated. Like the rights of the pilots in this case, the rights of the other individuals are significant to be protected, not merely because of utility. This right must be exercised and reclaimed by an individual who is at stake. If benefits which can be enjoyed by degree (such as liberty as a right of an individual), it is probably difficult to argue that right is absolute. Therefore, it is impossible to declare that all rights of human are absolute (Heard, 1997).

Learning from the pilot case, the virtue ethics must adopt the process of Utilitarianism, in which the individual has an obligation or duty to assist other individuals. According to Utilitarianism, the obligation or duty in any situation is to perform the action that results in the greatest possible balance of good over evil. It can be described as if the actions result in good consequences then the action will be called good (Mill, 2004, pp. a1-10). By including the aspect of what is considered as a righteous thing to do, this theory can be improved.

Answer 3

It is surely possible for countries with the toughest environmental laws will become the most competitive. But there should be understanding of these following strong environmental laws (Porter, 1995).

On the use of privately owned land, tough restrictions need to be placed.

Restrictions should be imposed for excessive packaging of the goods.

Production of the plastic shopping bags used ...
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