Business And Leadership

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Business and Leadership


In this report we have to Choose 3 healthcare organizations to visit list below. For each one, we will be explaining the basic assumptions surrounding these organizations relative to Drucker's theory regarding the “Paradigm”.

Children's Hospital Boston

Children's Hospital Boston is following the Drucker's paradigm by fulfilling the first social responsibility of Hospitals which is to eliminate any negative impact to society caused by its existence and activities, or at least to minimize it. If a noise is produced during the process of production, it has to be reduced as much as possible. Traffic stagnation might be caused in neighborhood. It has to be eliminated. Drucker says the organization has to eliminate or at least to reduce these nuisances as much as possible. (

Furthermore, the responsibility of Children's Hospital Boston is to solve social problems by mobilizing its strengths. And, to make the problem- solving into a business if possible. In any hospital, the business itself started fulfilling social needs. It is true to any business. These two responsibilities make up the social responsibility of Hospitals. (Edersheim, 2008, 41)

Massachusetts General Hospital

Contributing to society through business is to serve society's need. The bottom line is to create customers and to satisfy them. The essence of Drucker's theory of marketing lies here. Massachusetts General Hospital follows the Drucker's theory as they know that the customer is the one who buys goods and services, and who comes to a hospital to be cured, and who attends a class to learn. In other words, attention to non-customers, those who should be their customers but not yet the customer is the key to the future of a business. There are lines of activities and companies declining because they did not pay attention to non-customers. Change starts from non-customers. It is Drucker who clarified the concept of ...
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