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Business and Culture Management

[Name of the institute]Business and Culture Management

Background Information of China

This part of the paper provides information about the various factors of Shanghai that can be influential when it comes to operate the business in China.

Geographical Advantage

Shanghai has a total area of ??6.340 square km and is located in China's prosperous east coast at the mouth of the Yangtze River Delta. In the west of the Shanghai there are provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In the Eastern side there is China Sea and in the south of Shanghai there is Hangzhou Bay. In the North of the city of the Yangtze River empties into the East China Sea. Because of its strategic geographic location, Shanghai has today become a March 1 from the sea and river port, with easy access to the largest inland (Anxin, Jianping and Luxi 2008, 55).


Environmental quality in Shanghai is far better from most major cities in China and can be regarded as a Class I rating. More than 3% of GDP in the city goes to environmental protection. Air quality readings are available in the office of environmental protection in Shanghai (EPB) on a daily basis and can be found online at: By the end of 2006, Shanghai's green coverage reached 37.3%, and the green space per capita reached 11.5 square meters. There are 125 parks open to the public in Shanghai in the city to raise the amount of forest cover was 11.6% of the city in March (Jingchun 2008, 28).

Political Factors

According to the report of the World Bank's investment environment among 120 Chinese cities, Shanghai's performance was ranked twenty-sixth in the country. However, a report on the competitiveness of Chinese cities has the perfect Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 2007, was ranked competition in the management of municipal government in Shanghai as the second in the nation (Cheung 2006, 14).

Shanghai is the first city in China to set up investment promotion organization, with the name of Shanghai Foreign Investment Development. The aim of this set up is to provide comprehensive services to foreign investors, including on-line services. Investors may make inquiries, file consultations and appeal by logging onto the site ( This set up is governed by the Shanghai municipal government. In addition, Shanghai has made progress in improving the system of research and approval as well as time to examine and approve foreign-funded projects in Shanghai has been reduced from five to three weeks (Cheung 2006, 14).

Economical Factor

Many of Shanghai's economic strengths are evident in its history. Shanghai's economical benefits can be gauged for its extensive record of human capital and know-how as well as the breadth and depth of its industrial base. Shanghai is a major producer of steel products and steel mills and industrial equipment, transport equipment, textiles, chemicals, electronics, food processing, synthetic fibers and garments (Daben 2008, 101).

As import and export of Shanghai port has grown considerably over the past decade, the effectiveness of the port became a key factor in ...
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