Business Analytics

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Business Analytics


This report will provide a quick review of all the 52 products that the company is producing at its factories that are KM, MF, SH. The report will mainly include discussion with the help of graphs, diagrams and other illustrations. There are few products that are producing negative profitability for the company which is recommended to be dropped from the manufacturing line of these factories. Moreover, the underlying discussion also shows a relationship between net profit and profit margin in which number of units sold for each product makes a significant difference in the finally profitability level.






Conclusion & Recommendation8


Business Report


This business report a of a Hesketh a & a Brown a is a being a formulated a on a the a request a of a Dorothy a Sky, a Managing a Director a made a on a 8th a February, a 2012. a The a purpose a of a this a report a is a to a highlight a certain a key a areas a which a need a management a notice. a This a report a will a provide a a a quick a review a of a all a the a 52 a products a that a the a company a is a producing a at a its a factories a that a are a KM, a MF, a SH. a The a report a will a mainly a include a discussion a with a the a help a of a graphs, a diagrams a and a other a illustrations. a Graphical a illustrations a can a ease a the a process a of a understanding a and a decision a making a for a the a management. a It a will a enable a them a to a pinpoint a areas, a products a and a relationship a between a different a variables a instantaneously a from a viewing a the a charts. a Further a on, a this a will a facilitate a the a decision a making a process a for a the a management a of a the a Hesketh a & a Brown a greatly.


The report addresses four a key a issues a which a will a be a discusses a in a the a following a sections a of a the a main a body. a It a mainly a contains a graphs a and a charts a while a all a supporting a calculations a and a figures a are a provided a in a the a Appendix a of a the a report. a First a section a will a adderss a the a profitablty a levels a at a each a of a the a three a factories a and a locates a the a products a which a have a been a not a generating a adequate a profitability a for a the a company. a it a has a been a brought a into a notice a that a there a are ...
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