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Priority of Leaders to Inspire Discretionary Efforts

In the Current Economic Climate, the Priority for any Leader or Manager is to Inspire Discretionary Effort in Their Teams


This assignment aims to assess the leaders' priority to inspire the discretionary effort in their followers. It has been observed that the pillars of leaderships are more required than ever before due to increased economic challenges. All of the businesses are strongly striving for the great people as the leaders who are focused, strategic and obviously ambitious in order to carry out the successful business conducts and to reach towards the desired directions. It is not the time when only the cost cutting sort of strategies can work out, but today's dynamic economic environment needs something else to get ahead in the competition and this can only be possible by focusing on leveraging the full potential of people. This can be done by having discretionary efforts in the teams. This is the time to work closely with the team and getting the best out of the team. Discretionary efforts have a prominent role to play in this regard as this allows a person to have a sense of personal ownership of their role. Leaders have a significant role to play in arousing the trust of their team, and this trust takes the entire team towards more determination and commitment. Leaders need to be upfront and honest in order to keep their teams close to them. They should focus on managing the active performance of each player in the teams while resolving their issues that can hinder their efficiency and performance. The vital aspect of discretionary leadership role is to balance the appraisal while reinforcing the positive behaviors as it is believed that the positive feedback and recognition go a long way to boost up the esteem of the team members. Leaders are never distracted from the economic crisis and challenges instead they get success through focusing their strengths and abilities.


The industry which we have taken in this assignment to clarify the topic is the restaurant industry. The great leader of this industry is Gordon Ramsay. He has got great leadership skills which he also has shown in the television with his immense ability to supervise and manage his team successfully. He is a British Celebrity Chef and entrepreneur and has been awarded thirteen Michelin Stars (Charles 2009). He is the great task master and a leader. He has more than 85% retention rate since 1993. His employees do not leave as they know they are working for the best man who strengthens the team by obliterating each and every doubt in his team and promotes an incredible amount of confidence within his team (Bonander 2011). Ramsay has found to have a nurturing talent which reflects from his persistent focus on team building and his inspirational personality. He has successfully managed a broad portfolio of his restaurants.

The leadership style of Ramsay has been found to be situational. He sometimes plays a role of autocratic leader and ...
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