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International Marketing Assignment


In this assignment, I have used a new a business that will help me in utilizing the international marketing strategies and techniques in an effective way. I have chosen Glam Pizza Restaurant that will be serving under the umbrella of restaurant industry. Glam Pizza Restaurant will be offering appealing and comfortable dining options to all the pizza lovers in the area specifically in Manchester, United Kingdom. This pizza restaurant will be offering outstanding dining experiences with dine in and home delivery options to all its customers. Glam Pizza Restaurant will be offering interesting flavors in pizzas for the customers with competitive prices. It will be using creative marketing and advertising concepts that are used at an international level. The customers will be offered unique menu that will help Glam Pizza Restaurant in gaining their attention. The population of the world is growing on a rapid scale; therefore, locally owned restaurant s will be the best options to cater and serve its needs and wants in an effective way. The operations of Glam Pizza Restaurant will be managed with an effective distribution network and supply chain.

Mission of Glam Pizza Restaurant3

Factors accountable for Successful Business3

Objectives of Glam Pizza Restaurant4

Company Summary4

Company Ownership4

Start-up Summary5

Services of Glam Pizza Restaurant5

Assessment of the Market Environment6

Marketing Strategies of Glam Pizza Restaurant7

Market Identification7

Operations of Glam Pizza Restaurant8

External Management Resources8

Registered Business9

Business licenses/Permit9

Marketing Objectives9

Marketing Strategies10

4 P's of Marketing10




The Action Plan12

The Marketing Budget12

Monitoring and Evaluation13

Critical Issues13


International Marketing Assignment

Mission of Glam Pizza Restaurant

The mission of Glam Pizza Restaurant is “to serve the customers with premium quality pizza products that are offered in a pleasant and relaxing environment.”

Effective business management steps will be taken in development of Glam Pizza Restaurant, so that the customers will be able to get best dining and take away experiences. Launching a new product in the market is a risky job and the entrepreneurs can even face loss as well while managing it. The main focus of the restaurant will be to offer the customers premium quality of pizzas that would not be offered in the market ever before. Glam Pizza Restaurant will be taking effective measures in maintaining quality of customer service, as it is considered as the second most important factor that can retain and attract customers after quality of products. The restaurant will ensure all its stakeholders that all the business activities will be based on fair terms and conditions (Varadarajan & Yadav, 2009, p.11).

Factors accountable for Successful Business

The factors which are responsible for successful business are as follows:

Customer relationship and collaboration

delivering consistent and quality products

Managing risks and control over business activities

offering customer value proposition

Planning for effective marketing activities for promotion of products and services

Service quality with competitive prices

Objectives of Glam Pizza Restaurant

The objectives of Glam Pizza Restaurant will be:

To attain profit margins with at least double digit.

To manage healthy level of sales at monthly, quarterly and at an annual basis.

To form effective stakeholder relationships for managing effective business ...
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