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Managing Business Responsibly

Managing Business Responsibly


Organizational change can be described as a set of structured approaches that are implemented in an organization for guaranteeing that the change initiatives are successfully and smoothly implemented and the goals on which were highlighted for the change initiatives are being met. This process of change has been accelerated in today's world and all organizations face rapid changes like never before. To make this change successful it is important that the organization's all levels of management and stakeholder support this activity otherwise there are high chances of its failure. Another important element of this activity is the change agent who is mostly responsible for the change process form start till end. He is the main initiator, manager and monitor of the change process in an organization.

I have discussed the various questions asked in the portfolio below in the discussion section. For the purpose of completing and presenting an effective argument some of my answers have exceeded the three hundred word limit but no more than fifty words.


Portfolio Question One:

I was once made the captain of a team for a project. Lisa, a class fellow, was appointed as the co captain of the team. We were told to select 3 people for the group with mutual discussion and then to proceed with the task given as a group. Lisa was a caring person who tended to favour people while I was more interested in the productivity side of the potential group members that we were to include in our group. We had a very big argument when we were discussing on who to choose. Lisa wanted that we include people that she knew so she will be able to work with them. I on the other hand wanted people who would help in increasing the productivity and success of the group.

Burr says that individual differences and stability are two features of personality. Individual differences might offer an alternative explanation. Lisa can be described as a shy person who is not comfortable with working with strangers. She has different set of personality traits as every human being there is and I have different traits. So instead of personality clash this event that occurred can be termed as having individual differences (Burr, 2003, p.13).

The only element of control that I had in the relationship was to try and convince her logically. We were class fellows and knew each other from a previous project that we did together. I respected her differences and did not want her to get uncomfortable with the members that we were top choose. She showed signs of being an introvert. I could have used force and my right of being a captain to bypass her and take the members in group. I could even have used an aggressive mode of conversation style or being completely insensitive towards her feelings. All of this would have further aggravated the situation. For future I will explain my position to her and then let her decide and ...
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