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Role of Redundancy in Caring for Children

Role of Redundancy in Caring for Children


Redundancy refers to dismissal of employees with the employer's purpose being to decrease the workforce. Redundancy assumes a high degree of significance in the context of human resource management as many employees are fired on a regular basis in order to cut down on the work force. The aims associated with redundancies can only be addressed by implementing the most feasible redundancy procedure. In addition, if appropriate redundancies procedures are not applied in their true contexts, the organization can be severely penalized by tribunals terming unfair dismissals (Boella & Turner, 2009).

Acas Redundancy Procedure


As an employer, it is very necessary to ascertain the alternatives which the employer can resort to in the case of redundancy based decisions. In many situations, it is possible that employers might look for alternatives and delay or cancel the decision of massive redundancies. Some alternative that might be available for Dan Findale are to retrain or move the affected employees to other departments which can utilize their skills in a better manner, imposing restrictions on the proportion of recruitments in future, reforming the total working hours and eliminating overtime (Acas, 2013).

Format of an Official Redundancy

There are some significant elements associated with a redundancy procedure and thus Dan Findale would have to incorporate these elements in his redundancy procedure. Essential elements like introductory statement of job security, description of consultation arrangements, the selection criteria to be used in case of redundancy being unavoidable, and assisting redundant employees get appropriate training. These elements of a redundancy plan must be incorporated by Dan Findale (Acas, 2013).

Informing Employees

Employees have a legal right of knowing about the aspect of them being made redundant well in advance. Thus managers should make sure to inform them in writing about the reasons pertaining to their redundancy as well as other factors like number of employees affected, the procedure of selecting employees in future who are dismissed and other likewise elements.

Objective Selection Criteria

When selecting employees for redundancy, it is highly significant for employers to adopt objective selection criteria that can be applied to the factual position of the organization. Implementing objective based criteria for redundancy ensures that the employees are not selected on an unfair basis. A balanced approach can be implemented in the context of redundancy by basing the redundancy decision on the intricate skills or qualifications of the employees. Such an approach goes a long way in matching the redundancy decision according to the organization's future needs.

Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement is a vital concept in keeping employees motivated and stimulated in their jobs while at the same time preparing them for demanding jobs ahead (Batista et al, 2013). Employees having a high degree of employee engagement are known to be highly passionate in their jobs and enjoy a high degree of motivation. They are not affected by external factors and are highly loyal towards their organization (Shantz et al, ...
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