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Business and Management

Business and Management


A business is an activity, system, method or way to get money in exchange for providing goods or services to others. An example would be the creation of a website where toast free advice on business, and win money by advertising we place on it. Another example could be the funding request, travel to a foreign country, buying a used car lot, and then sell them in our country.

According to the top business leaders a business is an activity which can be done with a view to make profits for the companies working within the business environment. The business is also an international activity there are hundreds and thousands of company's related to different businesses working and competing with each other. These business activites are healthy enough to provide a number of oppurtunites. One of the major advantage of business and globalization is that it helps in restaining the affect of war because stakes of different countireis are inviolved in other countries. This would lower down the affect of war.

International Business

Thus, the study of business focuses primarily on international activities of multinationals and large companies multinationals based in one country but in other operations. These organizations represent the Most of the investment and trade worldwide. In just the last ten years, these corporations directly invested thousands of million dollars overseas to buy or build businesses. Most of these investments are in two senses: United States invests in the European Community and this in turn makes the United States, Japan invests in America and this country does in Japan, so do investments United States and Canada (Kay, 1993).

Japan, United States, Germany and China have achieved splendid business growth in recent years. Japan is famous for his automotive and mechanical industry and is on the path of business.

Global Nature of Business

America is a globalized economy, whereas China is the biggest manufacturer of each and every thing throughout the world. Now the international businesses are working on the same mantra of globalization. The global nature of international business is its most important defining feature of today: it essentially covers the global system of information exchange business, the global financial market, the global structure of technological innovation and so on (and he covered them). As you progress from level to level of internationalization grows more and more important how it is manifested in the quality of the business or, more precisely, as the efficiency of the business is determined by the use of globalization (Roberts, 2011).

Local Business

International businesses are not limited to giant multinationals. Many Small businesses are also in this market. These include service industries, which currently employ about 70% of workers in the United States and Canada. Traditionally economists have considered services and small businesses as part of the sector under commercial impact. But today we live in a globally integrated business system. The Revolution of information technology and advances in transportation means that the knowledge, qualified persons, goods and services have a high ...
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