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Assignment: 1


The case study talks about the importance of monitoring informal comments by customers.

The pharmaceutical company should maintain a proper feedback system where a customer would be filling a feedback and suggestions in the form provided after the delivery of products. These forms would be checked by Assistant HR manager on a monthly basis. The name section would cover the name of client and date of service under “date of visit”. The form includes four types of feedback including comments (both formal and informal), complaint regarding service delivery, compliment and suggestion if any. A customer can fill all the four types and give his own feedback based on the delivery of services and its quality. Below is the prototype of the form that will be used for obtaining customers feedback, and it will serve as obtaining data from the customers.

However, an efficient and proper monitoring of informal feedback is an integral part of the routine activities irrespective of the nature of the business. With the help of feedback form, it will be much easier for the organization to bring changes according to the customer's responses, it will facilitate in perceiving the customer's needs while focusing on some particular activities and processes (Kansal & Rao, 2006). The complain and complement sections in the form will help in identifying loop holes in serving the customers and complements will enhance better customer services, the suggestions will provide a platform to the organization for making its service more customer centered.


Nominate one record kept by one of the organizations to show how well service is being provided.

The feedback system of pharmaceutical company is the basis of measuring the quality of services provided to the customers. For instance, feedback forms shows positive feedback with good ratings would let the manager knows how well the service has been provided to the suppliers. The feedback form does not only judge the quality of services but also provides information about the particular service and its delivery time which leads to customer satisfaction. Manager can determine the factors that lead to positive feedback and will take into consideration those factors in providing other services in future (Papasolomou, 2001). The feedback form as its prototype has been shown in the previous question will serve as record keeping of the customer's feedback; it will work as maintaining the feedback received from customers and will provide the complaints, comments and suggestions as received from the customers. It will also:

Enables the monitoring, recording and analysis of customer interactions for quality assurance in the Contact Center

Makes transparent the performance of agents and helps contact centers to optimize processes, cost and customer satisfaction

Large range of applications ranging from traditional quality monitoring to a comprehensive solution, including customer interaction analytics (speech analytics, text analytics, data analysis and customer surveys).

Allows the use of recorded customer interactions as customer content for the promotion of best practices in and outside the contact center

Part of the unified Impact 360 Workforce Optimization suite, thereby superior functionality, low cost-of-ownership ...
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