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Enterprise Data Management: Customer Relationship Management

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Executive Summary

Organizations, irrespective of their size and scale of operations, are presented with multiple challenges in the 21st century. An explosion of information and data, which is exponential in scale, occupies the central stage in the challenges. This information revolution has rendered the paper environment as futile and has compelled companies to revise their information and data structures through the implementation of database management systems.

Another essential reason which is compelling companies to implement an organization wide Enterprise Data Management (ERD) is the fact that traditional data infrastructures of organisations are simply unable to withstand the requirements of the 21st century and simultaneous plethora of information.

It should also be noted that there are alternative, yet heterogeneous systems which are characterized by multiple point solutions. However, the aforementioned solution, if implemented in the 21st century will render organisational access of information and enterprise-wide data analysis impossible.

It is imperative to note that the concept of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is present in the corporate world for a relatively longer period of time; however, the execution and implementation of CRM has substantially grown in the recent years. This implementation of CRM owes to various factors, including improved access to technological infrastructure and subsequent data integration.

The basic premise of the CRM structure is the maintenance of existing customers and provision of services which are customized to the fulfilment of customer needs. The success of CRM is evidently reflected in the provision of tailored services that enable companies to garner unparallel customer loyalty, value creation and ultimate improvement of revenues and bottom-line.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary2



Enterprise Data Management5

Customer Relationship Management5

Importance of Customer Relationship Management5

Application Areas of Customer Relationship Management6

Case Studies6

Citibank (Europe)6

City of Dallas7

British Telecom8

Problems and solutions8

Future Directions8

Retention marketing8

Social CRM9

Mobile CRM9

Market Overview9



Enterprise Data Management: Customer Relationship Management


CRM is an essential investment for any company with the aim of providing solutions that are correlated with the goals, visions, and missions of the company. For the implementation of CRM, it is imperative for the company to train each and every staff across the organization. Employees are the core aspect when implementing a CRM infrastructure, because employees will not be able to sell and serve customers when they are not properly trained and monitored or if additional customer data are not available to the right people at the right time.

This report will discuss the concepts pertaining to Enterprise Data Management, particularly Customer Relationship Management. Moreover, the content of the report includes areas of CRM implementation, pertinent Case Studies, problems and solutions, future perspectives, and market overview.


Enterprise Data Management

The ever-growing load of data and information has forced numerous companies to fundamentally revise their data structures and database management systems. Another important reason for the increasing need of Enterprise Data Management (ERD) is that the old data infrastructure of organisations can no longer withstand the current requirements and plethora of information. Traditional scenarios depict heterogeneous system landscapes with multiple point of solutions, which if implied in the 21st century have complicated organisational access of information and subsequently ...
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