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Searching Research Strategy

Searching Research Strategy


The primary objective of this assignment is to create an effective research strategy, which is divided into three different tasks. In the first task of the assignment I will explain how I will search and collect the data for my research. In the second task I will prepare a project plan demonstrating the methods I will opt to complete my research by the deadline. The third task will be my reflection of overall course. In this task the effectiveness of the search strategy and project plan will be analyzed. Moreover, the final task will also reflect my learning of any issues in accordance with the subject.

Topic: Effective Searching

Name of the database: Google, Virtual library (NCC)

Keyword search terms: “Search Strategy”, “Parameters of Search” and “Boolean Logic Searching”.

Task One: Research Strategy Development

How Researcher Will Search the Relevant Data

This development of data searching is a broad definition of a latent assessment with which I aim to analyze a phenomenon of concern. The primary outcome of my researching efforts will be increasing my knowledge related to a certain disciplinary aspect of data searching. Researching efforts are generally based on a well-defined, well-planned and systematic investigation which aim to produce ideas and facts that enhance action, refelection and human thought. Since research cannot be approached with the aid of a single universal effort or plan, it is imperative that a researcher such as me weighs many factors when designing a program research plan.

Qualitative researchers have an array of approaches that may be used to design a research study. Selection of a specific approach will significantly help to provide me a framework that guides the structure and sequence of a qualitative research study. Moreover, I will be able to determined specific methods of collecting and analyzing data within each approach by the nature of the phenomenon. This will help me to assure consistency between the occurrence and the data derived through that occurrence (Whittelsey, 2011, pp 120-128).

I have selected the qualitative method of data collection which makes me face the task of determining the approach that will fulfill the research goals. At this point, it is as important to consider the research question as it is to take into account the audience for whom the it is intended. In this regard, I will utilize the following five general models proposed by John Creswell to search for relevant data as they usually associated with qualitative approaches:

Ethnography - Studies an intact culture in its own setting over a prolonged time period through direct observation.

Grounded theory - Seeks to establish a generalized theory regarding an experience or process that is grounded in the perspectives of the research participants. Constant comparison of data collected in multiple stages is a primary characteristic of this approach.

Case study - Explores events, processes, or activities in depth through the perspective of one or more participants over a specified time period. Detailed data collection using a wide range of measures is a hallmark of this approach.

Phenomenological study - Seeks to gain understanding of the lived experiences of a small number of participants in order to shed light on the phenomenon of ...
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