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Leadership and Management


Leadership and management are the most vital features of any organization to move towards success. Although the words management and leadership are often considered in the same perspective but they are two very diverse concepts. Leadership can be a plus point to management but it is not necessary that all managers have leadership capabilities. Management is about directing, supervising, or giving orders to employees, while leadership is about being able to envision a better reality and communicating that vision to others in a way that inspires them to achieve that vision. Management's job is to achieve the visions of leadership.


Leadership Styles

Various styles of leadership are discussed by many scholars. Among those debated styles, few are most important that are strongman, translational, transformational and empowering leadership styles.

Strongman Leadership Style

It is also known as directive style of leadership. It is characterized by extremely commanding kind of leadership. The people having this type of leadership style always use their power on their subordinates. Individuals possessing strongman leadership styles often do not consult to the staff and organization before making any decision and expect them to obey without any objection. These people are considered to self centred as they think themselves the most informative and skilled persons and they often punish their subordinates through different means.

Transactional Style

Transactional style of leadership is said to be the straightest style of leadership. These kinds of leaders do not possess an authoritarian personality rather they reward their subordinates for achieving certain targets or for better performance. In this kind of leadership followers and the leaders survive in a shared contract in which both sides are loyal to their responsibilities. The main focus of leaders having transactional leadership is goals and their followers are also aware of what their leader expects. The behaviour of transactional leaders involves personal gratitude, personal incentives and materialistic awards.

Transformational Leadership

Leaders possessing transformational leadership style always inspire their followers to attain the goals of organization. They get motivation from their leaders to perform better. The personality of these kinds of leadership styles are said to be charismatic, intellectual, ideal, inspirational and motivating. Transformational leaders develop a future image for their followers by articulating the vision and also dedicate all their energy to achieve that particular goal by involving their followers with them.

Empowering Style

This style of leadership does not always want to lead the followers but is more interested in developing the leadership traits in other individuals. By performing this act, the leaders having empowering style develops trust between him and the followers for decision making process. This kind of style is not common because after becoming capable of leading, individuals do not need leaders any more.

Significant Leadership Traits

The strong leadership contains certain traits that make its effective. Efficient and effective leaders tend to be:














Though above listed leadership traits are important but it is not necessary that leaders become effective just because of these traits. It is important that the traits which any leader posses should be relevant to the ...
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