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Role of Organization Change Models

Role of Organization Change Models


The Documentary pertaining to The Naked Lentil offers interesting insights. The Naked Lentil is a restaurant characterized by a model which does not have a pricing mechanism. The owner had a mission to serve people without charging a penny for the services his restaurant provides (Cawsey, 2007).

There have been many pros and cons associated with implementing a non pricing model. There have not been many restaurants that function on a non pricing mechanism. The Naked Lentil is the only one to introduce such a concept (Hassin, n.d).

We would look at the different types of models the owner implemented in garnering success for his restaurant. It's evident from the above paragraph that the first and foremost model which the owner implemented was a non pricing model. In other words, the restaurant follows a model which does not focus on profit. It functions on a non profit basis.

The vision which the owner had was to contribute towards society as a whole. He did not focus solely on profit motive. The success for this restaurant has been its huge success even without a pricing mechanism and a non profit approach.


Hunger has been a major issue in the Australian society. The owner of the Naked Lentil was quick to address this issue and came up with an innovative restaurant. His goal of contributing towards the community was accomplished by meeting the hunger needs of the community.

We would look at the various models associated with diagnosing change within the Organization. Change has become apparent in today's environment. Organizations that do not diagnose change and act on an urgent basis are bound to suffer. Whereas, Organizations which follow the appropriate models aimed at diagnosing changes would have brighter chances of prospering. There are certain models which have not augmented the results of The Naked lentil but they have been a major force in identifying the loopholes and problem areas for the Management.

Non Profit Model

The success story of Naked Lentil has been its focus on the nonprofit model. Since the vision is aimed at felicitating the community, that's why it has not incorporated a pricing and a for profit model. Since hunger is a social problem and there is a huge influx of immigrants in the Australian Society, the Naked Lentil has been able to fulfill its commitment towards betterment of community.

The nonprofit model focuses on the betterment of the community and has no appropriate funding mechanism in place. Organizations implementing a nonprofit model do not meet the funding needs internally but depend on the volunteers and external parties to meet the funding needs.

The societal goals of Naked Lentil have been achieved to a great extent by following this nonprofit model. Since the target market is having minimal affordability levels, it encourages people to pay whatever they can for the amount they eat.

Naked Lentil addresses the hunger needs of multicultural communities ...
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