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Macro Environmental and Cultural Factors

After stabilization with increasing real money balances, people try to keep at the central bank must act on the monetary base either: increase domestic credit to public sector, operating through rediscounts to private banks or validate input currency through the balance of payments. An inflation expectation is from the theory of rational expectations which fits the fact of getting to zero inflation at no cost or no unemployment. It is based on three conditions: credibility of the authorities, rapid labor market equilibrium and expectations looking forward. During hyperinflations real interest rates remain high because it includes the risk of devaluation. To reduce that just need confidence measure progress in the stabilization, since it can occur: there is pressure for expansionary monetary policy with the risk that this has, deterioration in the fiscal deficit by the high interest debt and bankruptcies companies in financial difficulties. Orthodoxy, as well as Heterodoxy Orthodoxy comes from institutions like the International Monetary Fund that emphasize tight monetary and fiscal policy as an instrument almost unique. Heterodoxy is that inflation has a large component of inertia that makes it increasingly larger so it is necessary to take admission policies where there is a wage and price control (Roland Dannreuther, 2001, pp: 199).

The saturation in the market is basically the name assigned to the company's growth strategy. This is the main point where the industry focuses on trading the existing merchandises in the current markets. However, on the other hand, the saturation in this market attempts to find so as to achieve four (4) main objectives:

The main objective is to maintain or even get an increase in the shares in the market of all the current products. This however, can be easily achieved through a permutation of economical pricing approaches, advertising, different sales advertising campaign and possibly more capitals keen to personal vending

To secure supremacy of growing markets

To redistribute a well-established market through driving out all the competitors; this will call for a much additional aggressive promotional movement. This promotional campaign is mainly supported with the help of a pricing stratagem particularly designed to create the market place very much unattractive for the rest of the competitors

To increase the usage by the current customers, for instance this can be done with the help of launching or introducing certain loyalty schemes for the customers (Mintzberg et al, 2003, pp: 33).

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