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Type of Retailer

Nordstrom is categorized as a retailer that provides superior services to its customers, and have been doing this from the past 100 years. They also believe in providing the best services to their customers so that customers do not even switch to any other retailer, ones they become totally satisfied from the services that the Nordstrom provides to them. The Nordstrom implementation to this strategy has also been quite successful as they today are the most successful and are from one of the best successful retailers. Their customers also pass on to others about the Nordstrom because of their satisfaction with the services that they provide to them, thus; Nordstrom's customers are creating more customers for them. By comparing to its competitors, Nordstrom provides long term quality services to their customers to maintain a long term customer relationship. They think that the prices they charge from their customers are worth the services that they provide to them, so they do not believe in the reduction of prices even through sales and promotions. The results they have been generating through this strategy are quite evident, so they have been much successful by adopting this strategy. By taking into account about the other retailers, most of them also follow the same Nordstrom's strategy of maintaining the long-term relationships with their customers. Their methods of maintaining a long-term relationship might be different, but their aims are similar in this respect. Moreover, other retailers also try to open additional outlets to reach their customers and, this is the one more characteristic that Nordstrom follows (Nordstrom, 2002).

Level of Service

Nordstrom provides full quality service on the continuum to their customers as it can be visible through an example that a lady made a bet with the salesperson of Nordstrom that, he will not be selling her just one shoe from the pair of shoes. Surprisingly, he did that. He split the pair of shoe and sells the one shoe to her to make her satisfy with the services that Nordstrom provides to its customers. One more example represents the full service of the continuum to its customers that, a customer forgot his air ticket at the store; the sales person took a cab to the airport and handed over the customer his air ticket. These are the examples that represent the superior quality services that Nordstrom provides to its customers, and this clearly represent that they provide full quality service to its customers.

On the opposite end of the continuum, spinney's is one the store compared to Nordstrom's. Spinney's is among one of the store that is on the end of the continuum as it does not provide a full service, but it provides quality products to its customers. Their customers have to serve to themselves as, spinney's do not provide any kind of service, but they get superior quality products.

Retailing Mix


Nordstrom provides a variety of products to its customers, which includes fragrance, cosmetics, jewelry handbags, accessories, clothing, shoe, and provides home furnishings in some locations ...
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