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Utilization of Software Generated Information for Making Organizations Decisions

Utilization of Software Generated Information for Making Organization's Decisions


The concept of information derives from Latin and means a process of communication and its flow, but in reality there are many different definitions of information, each one of them is more complex from another. The concept of managing this information with a view to strengthen the company position is termed as Information management systems. It is a structured system that includes (gathers performance data, quality data, customer satisfaction data, and wastage data) (Agre, 1997, pp. 33). The information has become a necessity for any growing sector of business regardless of the nature of business and is indispensable even if your search is not systematic or orderly, but only resulting decisions samples or intuitive. Companies today are surrounded by a very turbulent environment with characteristics different from usual and managers realize that in some cases, companies need to manage their information systems. Already Heraclitus said there is nothing greater than collecting data and interpreting it in such a manner that it would b3e useful for the company (Koseoglu, 1993, pp. 44). The information management aims to support the overall policy of the company, as it becomes more efficient knowledge and articulation between the various subsystems that compose it; helps managers in making decisions; becomes more effective knowledge of the environment; interactively supports the evolution of organizational structure, which is in continuous adaptation to the competitive demands, and helps form a picture of the organization of your project and its products, through the implementation of a strategy of internal and external communication (Pennisi & Scandizzo, 2003, pp.65).

Project plan for an Activity & Critical Path

The project plan for commencement of business activity is given in the attached file along with the critical path. The critical path can also be seen in the timeline of Gantt chart. The business activities that fall in the critical path include analyzing industry, preparing budget, days of issuance, BoD meetings, finishing office and project start ceremony which consumes 4, 3, 1 2, 1 and 1 days respectively. The critical path is consisting of 12 days. In the figure below, the horizontal line of boxes is the critical path.

Using Appropriate Information Process Tools

In today's world, the role of human resources has become a strategic role rather than hiring employees only. The HR is supposed to conduct performance appraisal programs on the basis of employee's performance. In order to conduct an effective appraisal program, there is a need of collecting data relating to employees performance. The term employees performance does not mean the number of worked or amount of productivity. It is rather a complex task to undertake. The employee's appraisal program includes employee's punctuality, behavior and productivity. The behavior of the employee is very important to consider. The HR needs to evaluate the employee from 360 degree. Therefore, the required data will be very complex because it is very comprehensive task to evaluate each employees of the organization ...
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