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Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

Employee Engagement

Employee engagement describes the involvement of an employee towards his job. It represents how much dedication and enthusiasm an employee feels towards his work. Employee engagement defines the level of positive or negative emotional attachment of an employee towards his job, organization and colleagues that deeply influence his eagerness to learn and perform at work (Scarlett, 2010, p. 110). Employee engagement plays a vital role in the success of organization, particularly because of the special emphasis that it puts on the commitment that the employees have towards the organization and their motivation to contribute to its continued success (Cheung, 2012). Because a workforce is created that passionately involves itself in the success of the organization, all the employees engaged in the process benefit the organization by showing high performance standards and creating a sustainable competitive advantage for it. BAE Systems is working on the alternative work strategies that are contributing in the employee engagement more than before. There are three core principle dimensions of employee engagement. These are namely emotional engagement, cognitive engagement, and physical engagement.

Comparison, Similarities and Differences

Employee engagement


Employee engagement describes the involvement of an employee towards his job.

Employee engagement contributes towards the success of an organization by showing high performance and productivity.

Employee engagement contributes towards the success of an organization by showing high performance and productivity.

Flow is what happens when an employee has a high degree of challenge (with a clear goal) while, at the same time, having exceptional capabilities, skills, and the ideal level of experience in order to achieve defined goals.

Flow demands three conditions - a clearly defined activity with well-planned goals, the confidence to undertake and efficiently complete the task at hand, and provide an immediate and clear feedback.

Employee engagement

Organization commitment

Employee engagement describes the involvement of an employee towards his job.

Employee engagement contributes in the success of an organization by showing high performance and productivity.

Engaged employee exerts greater discretionary effort to his work.

Organizational commitment describes the dedication of an employee towards his organization.

Committed employees exert the maximum effort in their work for the benefit of the organization as a whole.

Organizational Commitment is the heightened emotional relation of the employee with the organization which can be measured by his intention to stay.

Employee engagement

Job involvement

Employee engagement describes the involvement of an employee towards his work.

Employee engagement shows the employee's commitment towards the work.

Job involvement can be described as the extent to which an employee is cognitively occupied, concerned and engaged with his job.

Job involvement is a broader term which reflects the concern, commitment and engagement which is reflected from his performance.

Employee engagement

Job satisfaction

Employee engagement describes the involvement of an employee towards his work.

Employee is engaged when he is content with his work and when he has a good understanding of his job.

Job satisfaction represents the degree to which the employee is satisfied with his job.

Employee is satisfied with his job when there is career growth, development, good compensation and benefits, and a nice relationship with the management.

There is a distinct similarity between employee engagement and ...
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