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Business report to a Bank manager

Business report to a Bank manager

Section A

The name of the company is known SPRC clothing, it was established in the year 2011 at England State, and prime aim of the company is to produce affective clothes for individuals ranging from child to old. Further, the company is also aiming to expand its business across the Europe and for that is planning to expand the product line by introducing female cloth lines like skirts, top up dress, and others (Hope, et al, 2003)

Currently company is operating from small town in England, and is planning to expand its outlets across the globe. The management and marketing experts of the company is aiming to target middle and upper middle class of the country as being the brand it wants to sell its product to branded customers (Hope, et al, 2003)

Being the largest economic hub, where individuals of every country is present and trying to earn his/her livelihood, based on this it has a big industry of every product produced or sold. Therefore, it can be assumed that the industry of clothes is spread across the Europe and it comprises of large fish that are experience (Hope, et al, 2003)

Major competitors of this clothing market are Golden Touch, Sarah's Fleeces, City Threads Ltd, Lonastyle Ltd, and others. All of these competitors are doing this business for over ten years. The current market size and revenues of this industry is over 20 billion pounds, and is expected to grow with the passage of time (Hope, et al, 2003)

Opportunities in the Industries

As it is argued that, the industry is growing at the rapid rate, therefore for the new company like ours there are several opportunities available to target and take advantage. The possible opportunities are (Marron, 2006).

As the winter season is starting so there is a immense opportunity to increase the sale of the company by providing discounts and other surprises to the customers.

There is many opportunities to expand as fashion is frequently changing, thanks to movies and others, therefore the company has the advantage to get an idea from the movies costumes and produces a unique product that could satisfy the need of the customer (Marron, 2006).

In addition to this company can make it business online, by choosing sites like face book, Twitter or by creating its own websites to increase the sales, and to facilitate the customer.

Threats to the Company

The market is expanding and providing opportunities to every entity to grow, therefore the company has several threats that it need to evaluate if aimed to grow and sustain the success, some of the possible threats are (Marron, 2006).

The major and the most important threat that the company is facing is entering of new companies

Secondly, the company is also facing threats that are caused by experience firms

Thirdly, company is facing substitution threats are too many products of same variety are available in the market that are providing customers diverse choices to consider and ultimately affecting the sales of the ...
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