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Market Entry Proposal

Market Entry Proposal

Executive Summary

This proposal analyses the status of the French market in terms of fast food consumption trends and how Burger King survived there for a good 17 years. Considering all the facts that have been studied within this report we have also looked into various types of market entry strategies. The most suitable out of which is internal development or internal ventures for Burger King to re-enter the French market successfully. If this strategy would be adopted intelligently, everything will work out for Burger King within the French market.

The market entry strategy which has been thought to be workable for Burger King to enter the French market is internal development or internal ventures. The company, under this strategy would employ al its already existing resources in order to analyse where they essentially went wrong when they were operating in the French market. After analysing the market, we will come up with brands that will work only for the French market. The advantage of adopting this approach after detailed analyses of the market and the company situation that it had faced when operating in France, the products that will be developed would be perfectly designed so that the consumer can relish them and come back to enjoy them again and again. A barrier that could possibly arise are high financial costs but that can be managed if by the existing resources as well because Burger King is not a new company. It has been operating globally since a fairly long time and will have all financial aids to support its operations in France. Hence, entering the French market would certainly be a challenge for Burger King but as it is said that nothing is impossible, the re-entry strategy should hence be adopted to excel in the market.


Burger King is an American based company and the second largest fast food company of the world. In this proposal we will analyse if there exists an opportunity for the company to enter in the French market. We will analyse how the market is and what strategy should Burger King use to enter the market. This time we will have to analyse the market in detail as the company had failed to survive when it started its operations in France in 1980 and had been there for 17 years.

Burger King survived in the French market for 17 good years. However, in 1997 they decided to leave the French market. There are several reasons behind this particular decision. Firstly as Burger-King had several restaurants majorly around Paris and secondly as they were small and few and small in set up as compared to its competitors. Burger-King could not beat the competition in France hence, had to leave the country. However, nothing is impossible. Through this essay, we will propose a market entry strategy for Burger King that will help it start its operations once again in France.


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