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Supply Chain Management in Burger King UK



Supply Chain Management and Operation Management1

Scope of Fast Food Companies in UK1

SCM and OM at Burger King2

Literature Review2

Application of Operation Management Theory4

Supply Chain at Burger King4

Raw Materials and Processing Stage5

Burger King Business Strategies6

Issues in Supply Chain6

Selection of Supplier and Performance Indicators7

Solutions to Supply Chain Problems7

Key Stakeholders of Burger King8


Supply Chain Management in Burger King UK


Supply Chain Management and Operation Management

The term supply chain management encompasses a wide range and aspects of business operations which are involved in the acquiring process of raw materials, transforming these inputs into finished goods and then ensuring that these finished goods reach their desired point of consumption (Hugos, 2011, p. 4). It is basically a network of various businesses which are interconnected in ensuring that all the processes which are involved in providing the end customers with a particular product and services are effectively met; these process starts from the point or origin which involves searching and acquiring raw materials, and goes on till the product is consumed by the end customers (Carter & Easton, 2011, p. 51).

However, the term operation management is that particular area of the business which ensures that all the business operations are undergone in an effective manner, so that minimum wastage is produced, and goods are produced with as little resources as it is possible (Jacobs et al., 2009, p. 14). It monitors the designing, supervision, controlling and revamping of the entire business production process so that the process of transforming inputs into outputs is carried out in an efficient manner, with minimum wastage and maximum productivity (Barratt et al., 2011, pp. 331-332).

Scope of Fast Food Companies in UK

Over the years, the scope of fast food industry has grown rapidly. Even though, the country was hit by recession but even the wrath of recession couldn't affect the dynamics of fast food industry (Fraser et al., 2010, p. 2291). In fact, in such a period the amount of spending on this sector increases dramatically and such has been the case in United Kingdom. The number of fast food store which sell on the go food has actually expanded during the phase of recession, the most prominent of this expansion has been Subway, which happens to be UK's largest fast food chain, it increased its restaurants by almost 26 per cent and a 19,8 per cent expansion was experienced by Dominos (Fraser & Edwards, 2010, p. 1126).

SCM and OM at Burger King

Burger King is a leading name in the fast food industry of United Kingdom. Operating on a massive scale with widespread franchises spread all over UK (Yang, 2012, p. 255). It is imperative for Burger King to ensure and main particular performance standard which seeks to make sure that a continuous supply of necessary products and services needed to maintain and operate Burger King are readily available, so that the relationship between Burger King and its valuable customers can grow fonder. Understanding this importance, the need of SCM and OM is heavily embedded ...
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