Bullying In The Second Grade

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Bullying in the second grade

Bullying in the second grade


The happening of bullying among grade two school children is very old and so far we have able to gain relevant information regarding this incidents from two types of researches (researches based on the observation of teachers regarding the magnitude of incident and secondly researchers that gathers information directly from parents and children's. According to (Jansen et al, 2011) in last five to ten years there has been increase in the occurrence of bullying activities and around 20 percent of children explain feels highly pressurized by bullying activities.


Whereas this intensity of bullying activities is surprisingly comparable to researches, carry out in various states of United Kingdom, Australia, and other parts of the globe. Further (Sourander et al, 2007) has illustrated the fact the bullying activities in elementary schools are normally secreted from parents and children's of grade 2 prefers to remain silent regarding the incident. Various across the board researches carried out in last two centuries have able to identified bullying activities in elementary school particularly among the student of grade 2 as a sign of aggressive behavior that show momentous association among this type of act and forthcoming criminal activity of adult life.

In one of detail study researcher (Stassen, 2007) has agreed with the above facts and have illustrated that there is strong relationship between the bullying activity in elementary school perform by a second grade child with the act of sexuality and violence in future years. Over the years numerous scholars have provided unique definition of bullying, however, the most common and broadly definition of bullying is presented by (Swearer et al, 2010) who states that

“Bullying activities is a blueprint of constant violent behavior with harmful intention heading from one kid to another in place where there is unequal distribution of power”. Normally the violent behavior comprises of corporeal or spoken behavior, which is considered as persistent action, intended to cause grievance or uneasiness on other kid. On the other hand, three unique characteristics that discriminate the act of aggressiveness in bullying with normal aggressive behavior are briefly explained as follows.

Power (children of grade two who bully needs their internal strength, mass, help from other peoples, and others). Secondly, Frequency (the act of bullying are not casual instead these act are described by recurrent and repetitive assault and this situation normally bring concerning regarding preventative fear in the mentality of child that is being the victim of bully can become so negative that could have extremely devastating long-term impacts). Finally, intention to hurt (children who are involve in these activities does it with the purpose of hurting other child either physically or verbally).

Generally, most of the bullying acts played by grade 2 students initiate from humorous manner like jokes, however, these acts within no time turn out to be severe like (awkwardness among colloquies, mockery), and this leads to act of fighting. (Stassen, 2007; Jansen et al, 2011) has illustrated that grade two students of elementary schools engage ...