Bullying In Nursing

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Bullying in Nursing

Bullying in Nursing


The field of nursing is widely respected in societies across the globe because they are directly attached to the healthcare profession. It is also a fact that the nurses are more close to the patients as compared to doctors. Therefore, the profession of nursing must be considered with due care. Like any other work place or profession, nurses used to encounter different types problem at their workplace. This report will cover a significant clinical nursing problem which is “Bullying in Nursing” (Johnson, 2009). The term “Bullying in Nursing” means any type of repetitive abuse in which the victim of the bullying behavior suffers verbal abuse, threats, humiliating or intimidating behaviors, or behaviors by the perpetrator that interfere with his or her job performance and are meant to place at risk the health and safety of the victim (Yildirim, 2009). This problem is commonly seen at nursing work stations and also has influencing the nursing profession in very negative way. The magnitude of this problem is very high because the researchers claimed that it is hardly possible that there is any nurse who did not experience bullying at workplace. The bullying in nursing profession is high than the bullying at any other workplace (Quine, 2001).

Workplace Settings

The practices that witnessed in workplace are also not in the favor of nursing profession. There is lot of problems that relates to bullying in nurses. It is widely accepted that the new nurses must be annoyed by their seniors (Dellasega, 2009).

Nurses are confined to a small area and expected to work schedules that don't permit an opportunity to leave for a brief respite. The constant stimuli of noise and light as well as the close interactions with co-workers can create tension. Females and males express negative feelings differently across different ages and stages of development. These behavioral issues are very strong and the trend is ever increasing or constant because when the new comers enter in this profession, they experienced bulling which eventually becomes the part of their behavior too. This provided impetus in continuity of this interpersonal behavior (bullying in nursing) (Dellasega, 2009).

Problem Significance

The problem bullying in nursing has very wide impacts on the nursing profession and health care organization such as increase in work load, dissatisfaction to work place, decline in productivity, and higher absenteeism from work place and increase in workplace injuries. The nursing workplace where the bullying rate is higher has witnessed decline in productivity because the nurse possessed a biased attitude and do not bother to ask from each other in case of need. It is also seen that the nurse who are frequently involved in bullying at work station are less contacted in case of need (Yildirim, 2009).

This declines the spirit of team work. The health care organizations are supposed to take care of a patient which is only possible when the senior and junior staff used to cooperate with each other. The bullying at workstation will definitely lead to lower cohesiveness in the ...
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