Bulimia Nervosa

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Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa

Definition and history

Bulimia is characterized by periods of uncontrollable impulses food, followed by a reaction triggered by the fear of becoming fat, causing various harmful practices vomiting, diuretics, fasting or dietary restrictions. The bulimic cycle can be repeated several times a day or less frequently. In most cases, bulimia lives in shame and secrecy. Most patients are reluctant to consult and hope against all evidence help themselves. People with bulimia may be a low weight, normal or excessive.


Epidemiological data indicate, that this condition relates to 5-7 girls 1 boy, age of onset is late adolescence (18-20 years), prevalence is 1.1% among girls and 0.2% boys.


The clinical signs of bulimia are Recurrent episodes of gavage, sense of loss of control eating behavior, purges frequent or severe dietary restrictions (vomiting, laxatives, diuretics excessive concern about weight and appearance, feelings of shame, worthlessness, guilt and distaste. Somatic symptoms of bulimia are Menstrual irregularity, electrolyte disorders, intoxication a thermal expansion, rupture of Stomach, parotid hypertrophy, esophagitis, ulceration, false-roads gastric aspiration pneumonia.

Treatment Support for Laura, based on a cognitive behavioral therapy

The goal of treatment is to help patients overcome their compulsive desire to eat. Four points are to develop Information on energy needs and food. Taking anti-depressant has more effect in reducing the frequency of seizures in a person, or in terms of number of patients with seizures disappeared, at least for a certain period? Unlike anorexics, these patients are aware of their psychological problems and are more willing to participate with the physician or psychotherapist, therapeutic project. Bulimia nervosa, bulimia, binge eating and, The eating disorders (TCA), that are bulimia nervosa, bulimia and binge eating severe (daily) tend, often, to evolve into a serious and chronic. Sometimes classified among addictive behaviors, eating disorders trap patients who were then very difficult to get out. It is therefore logical to investigate whether early diagnosis can limit the development through early intervention, but we have evidence, that early detection ATT can effectively improve the prognosis, either by shortening the duration of the disease, either by limiting the severity? We must first admit that there is no controlled study giving the answer to this question. However, a number of retrospective or prospective studies have been published on this theme many of them suggest, that there is a statistical link between the duration of illness before the first hospitalization in a specialized service and the length of overall development of bulimia nervosa before healing, these studies show, that the longer the duration of bulimia nervosa before the first hospitalization and later and less frequent is healing. It is the same in bulimia. However, it is unclear whether this is the case in serious compulsive eating ("binge eating" Anglo-Saxon).

Assessment and Diagnosis for Laura Case

Considering the case of Laura, I may imagine that, it begins approximately statistically 4-5 years later. A first response is likely genetic we know for certain (statistical probability of 92%) as bulimia nervosa and bulimia is partly a genetic predisposition. Studies of twins (identical twins against, ...
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