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Mentoring of a Bulimia Patient

Mentoring of a Bulimia Patient


It is important for the person to have a successful journey in his life. I have been working since many years to help various people to get them out of trouble they are facing since many years and lead them to the better path of life. This time I have been assigned the task of a person who is being suffering by Bulimia. Coincidentally, he studied with me in school, and we were close friends. Since past few years, he is facing this problem because of eating late night and he always over consumed. Bulimia is considered an eating disorder since it involves unhealthy patterns of eating. It involves unhealthy eating patterns that begin gradually and build to the point where a person feels unable to control them. The disorders can lead to serious health consequences, and involved emotional distress.

Background of the Problem

Eating is a fact of living. We need to eat to live, so that people can grow and develop the way you should. But for some people, food becomes the enemy. Because they're worried about being fat, they begin to limit what they eat or make themselves vomit right after eating. Eating disorders can make someone very sick. People have even died due to eating disorders and the harm it did to their bodies. An eating disorder is when a person eats, or refuses to eat, in order to satisfy a psychic needed and not a physical needed. The person doesn't listen to bodily signals or perhaps is not even aware of them (American Psychiatric Association, 2006).

This patient has changed his lifestyle because of the lack of confidence and depressive behavior. It is difficult for him to spend his live like a healthy person. His body gives an expression of feel different from other people since he has become obese. His willing to be lived alone creates a wide gap between him and society as well as with family. The Patient has developed negative thoughts that are not in his control. These thoughts are also for his family members that becomes another reason of gap among them. The patient likes to live alone instead of living with society.

Action Plans

I have decided to brief him various plans and strategies that could help him to overcome the state of depression that he is facing. First of all I have told him develop ...
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