Building And Using Power In The Organization

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Building and Using Power in the Organization

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Building and Using Power in the Organization


The organizational decision making power is all in the hand of the CEO of the organization and responsible person. It means that the leaders of the organization influence and motivate their team managers to do what their business plan ergs to do for the business optimization. The senior and middle managers are directly responsible to answer for their authorities to the leader, to review the performance of the department and act according to the business plan. It is the leader's responsibility to make the decision and implement the group code of conduct in the organization. It is all about organizing, planning, controlling the business plans and managing the power games to accomplish the long-term benefits of the organizational plans. The leaders have to face the business challenges to recognize and identify the issue and make it utilize as the opportunity for business with proper strategic development to optimize the business with minimum utilization of business resources. In this paper, we are going to discuss the power of the leaders, in the case study of Brand Maker.


Brand Maker is one of the leading companies of North and South America, and headquarters in Europe Germany; they are the largest provider of marketing resources management and consultancy to the other private entities. There is a general meeting held to make the review of the performances the CEO Tom Morris and the directors are present in the meeting. The agenda of the meeting is to overcome the challenges and make review the business units' individual performances in order to justify their techniques and strategic implementation to accomplish the business goals. The following questions will be included to justify the approach of the management to encounter the risk and issues to accomplish the goal of the organization.


What are the key challenges addressed by the CEO Tom Morris and his management team at Brand Maker?


In early 2001, the Brand Maker Company merged with Hanratty Babson and Cooke, media advertisement company one of their competitors, to creating the fourth largest advertisement, marketing and media promotion group in Europe. After the merger they have inherit the challenges, as they have to cater the niche market now as well. Niche market where the promotional and media activities need to be done, as they have now maximum share of niche market. It is ...
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