Bugs, Bones, And Botany: The Science Of Crime

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Bugs, Bones, and Botany: The Science of Crime

Writing Assignment


Science is a vast field and it has answers for all the questions regarding nature. It is very interesting to know that science also plays a vital role in pointing out the criminals in the modern world. Forensic Science is the branch of science that is used for solving criminal cases through science. The movie that has been selected for this writing assignment is “Bugs, Bones & Botany: The Science of Crime” that is directed by Daniel Zuckerbrot. A brief discussion about the movie and the lessons taught through this movie is presented in this writing assignment.

Daniel Zuckerbrot

Daniel Zuckerbrot has been working as a filmmaker and broadcaster since the year 1980. He has been involved in directing and producing a large number of television programs and documentaries. He has been mainly involved in the documentaries related to the fields of science. The most recent project of Daniel Zuckerbrot is that he is working as the senior producer of the Science and Natural History Unit that is formed recently by the CBC. He has also performed the duties of the Director of Development for Alliance Atlantis in Toronto. Daniel Zuckerbrot is also famous for being the founding member of a charity named as “Magicana” that is registered for the exploration of magic as an art. Daniel Zuckerbrot has recently written and directed a movie about forensic named as “Bugs, Bones & Botany: The Science of Crime” that have explored the importance of science in criminal investigation, which has been selected to present in this writing assignment.

Discussion about “Bugs, Bones & Botany: The Science of Crime”

The movie “Bugs, Bones & Botany: The Science of Crime” has been selected because it teaches the most influential way in which science could help human beings in solving ...