Budget Proposal

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Budget Proposal

Budget Proposal

Department of Homeland Security

(Security Equipment Budgetary Plan)

Proposed Budget of January, 2014

The department of homeland security was established right after the attacks of September 11, 2001. The department was created through the integration of 22 federal departments to strengthen and eliminate the risks related to homeland security. The DHS is responsible to achieve the key concepts that are connected with its mission that are security, resilience, customs and exchange. They attacks on twin towers on 2011, Sept 11 had prompted DHS and the homeland security with the reasons of happenings. However, the debate modified in further investigations and the prevention of such attacks in future. As a consequence, new departments were established within the DHS, some remain in public while others were performing duties with undercover.

The main objective of DHS became the prevention and preparation of future terrorist attacks to minimize the after effects of such threats and acts of terrorism. Besides the anti terrorists department, DHS were well concerned for the preparation and security of the people in regards of natural disasters. The hurricane disaster that came upon Gulf coast caused enormous disaster to the city of New Orleans. As a result more than 80 percent of the city was flooded with almost 1400 death and causalities (AllGov, 2013). The DHS unit of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) was given responsibility to tackle such protection challenges with regards of public and economic safety. The agency is now capable to tackle much intense disasters and is more concerned for public safety.

Mission of the Homeland Security

The mission of the DHS has developed to ensure the safe and anti-terrorist homeland of the United States based on the key concepts of security, resilience and customs and exchange. The organization widens its missions towards the responsible combat and security to the homeland along with responding and recovering from associated enemies. There are core missions divided into the sub categories with specialized units to prevent terrorism, secure borders and informant of state and immigration laws, prevent cyber attacks and responding to disasters (DHS, 2013b).

Purpose of Proposal

The purpose of this memo is upgrade and enhances the technological elements of Homeland Security to protect and safeguard the nation. The proposal will focus on the technological equipments to prevent cyber attacks and to get equipped with latest arms and ammunitions. The memo will also discuss the responsibilities and risk evaluation of individual constitutional rights and freedoms.

Implementation of the plan

The plan is implemented in a way to provide technological advancement and training to the agency professionals. There are several bureaucratic layers within the organization that reduces the efficiency level of the DHS. The basic priority should be the structuring of intelligence development inland and on foreign grounds to specify the missions. There is lack of intellectual association in order to define a policy that considers academic arguments to fight extremism. Thus to fight such extremism the budget is proposed for the equipment installation and training of professionals. There is a huge budget spend on homeland security every year ...
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