Budget Issues In Criminal Justice Administration

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Budget Issues in Criminal Justice Administration

Budget Issues in Criminal Justice Administration


Criminal justice system is not a lone and separated working organization. It includes and associates with itself, several other administrations such as the legislative and legal systems. Budget cuts and reductions are a concern and severe alarm for any administration, as financial stance of an organization is like a backbone to its processes and procedures.

Reduced allocations or reductions in the allocated budgets of the criminal justice administrations have long-term profound effects on the society. If the justice system is fraught with concerns of managing low budgets then it cannot maintain its focus on the main aim of justice system.

This article by Burnett (2013) addresses the severe issue of the budget cuts for the criminal justice system. It outlines the imminent threats, dangers and the situations which the justice system goes through as economic recession seeps through every layer of a country's administration. From the economic, industrial or administrative funding to the funding of the courts, financial constraints are binding all the pillars of the state to restrict their activities and forcing them to either downsize or keep their activities on a low (Anonymous, 2010).

The main idea of the article is to highlight the factors occurring in consequence of the budget cuts and reductions. Taking the situation of providing free counseling and defending services for the needy people; the federal and state justice system strives to provide free defense to the criminals and people who cannot afford it in accordance with the Gideon v. Wainwright rule of the U.S. Supreme Court (1963). This article highlights issues like these to draw attention to and bring in light the concerns which criminal justice administrations face due to severe budget cuts and reductions.

Moreover, for the availability and accessibility of quality justice, financial stability of the justice system is mandatory. The courts and state law firms need the funding and continuous supply of deserving budgets to ensure the deliverance of quality and quick justice to the people. Justice delayed is justice denied; therefore, people have a right to acquire justice services of high quality with maximum amount of surety their case requires.

Author's Conclusions and Recommendations

The author very precisely and diligently deals with all the matters at hand for the criminal justice administration and swerves through them efficiently while pinpointing their major points and consequences. The author concludes the article on two points; ...
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