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Religion is a contentious issue because it is a central part of several people's identity. In this paper we are going to discuss a well known religion Buddhism. In this discussion, we shall cover information about its sacred texts, lifestyle, clothing, food music, etc. We would also explain the ways in which Buddhism influence its believer's behavior or perceptions in broader society or interpersonally and how religion practices are commonly misunderstood by people of other religion. The purpose of this paper is to let readers know various aspects of Buddhism.


Buddhism is one of the most influential religions in the history of humanity, along with Christianity and Islam. However, one of the most distinguishing features is that Buddhism does not handle the concept of a creator god. Buddhism is generally recognized as one of the great religions of the world. Buddha began to spread his doctrine in the sixth century BC. Buddha's doctrine is summarized in the Four Noble Truths, which are (Kalupahana, 1992):

Life is suffering (people cannot live without death, frustration etc). Suffering and Dissatisfaction is caused by the desire for something permanent, when there is no permanence.

You can get the cessation of dissatisfaction through nirvana.

Nirvana can be achieved by following these Eight Steps.

Correct knowledge.

Right attitude.

Correct speech.

Correct action.

A proper life.

Right effort.

Right mental state.

Correct concentration.

Sacred Text

Buddhism does not have a collection of texts that constitutes a "bible", but different collections are used especially in monastic community (Sangha). The sacred text of Buddhism is called as Tripitaka, it means three baskets (http://www.urbandharma.org). It is collection of Buddhist writings, it include 2184 sacred writings. Most of these writings go under the name of sutra. Ancient Indian Language known as Pali was used to write this book. There are also two collections of these texts in ...
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