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Inequalities and Racism in Contemporary British Society

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Inequalities and Racism in Contemporary British Society


Even in a prosperous society unequal position of men is an important phenomenon. Of course, these differences no longer rely on direct violence and legislation that supported the system of privileges in the caste or class society. Nevertheless, in addition to more serious divisions on the size of property and income, prestige and power, our society is characterized by many rank-difference - so thin and at the same time so deeply rooted that the statements about the disappearance of all forms of inequality due to equalization process can be perceived, but at least, sceptical.

Throughout history, different people have been treated differently and prosecuted just because of their association to other groups. This distinct identity has been associated with different treatment on the basis of ethnicity and religion in the form of racism. The worst scenario was the holocaust, with milder prosecution throughout the world in non diverse societies. The courage to be all over the world, the concept is clear that there is not one but several meanings of the word, such as racism and is available at any time, in different cultures and does not appreciate all kinds of people, negatively effecting many communities. This hegemonic image of racism is often through the articulation of differences with various constructed race, sexual minorities and women. 

Inequalities and Racism in Contemporary British Society

Rousseau, in his work on the origin of inequalities, using what he calls the natural state of man, derives the inequality of man's social status. Man is not born with unequal but after comparing their similar and their differences are seen when time is lost equality of human beings. Rousseau says that inequality must increase their strength and development of our faculties and the progress of the human spirit and becomes legitimate after the institution of property and laws (Back, 1996, pp. 114-117).

Anthropological and archaeological study of societies revealed that Paleolithic societies were quite equal, unless the sex and age differences in the tasks, there is little or no additional differentiation. In general men and women of the same age have similar skills and knowledge, and it seems there is little specialization in the societies of hunter-gatherers. These evidences suggest inequalities in human societies became more marked in Neolithic societies in which there was a growing specialization and, therefore, asymmetries in access to natural resources, economic goods, general information and knowledge. The elites responsible for centralizing and organizing the production and custody of foods, pre-state societies generally use their differential access to resources for the benefit of his relatives, which seems to be one of the early forms of social inequality in British society.


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