British Airways

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British Airways

British Airways


For this study we have undertaken the account of British Airways. This paper shall help us identify and conclude exactly what amends have been made regarding the stability and rolling of British Airways and at the same time make effective use of the available resources for the purpose and objective of making close contact with current and potential customer clientele, leading to a more formal development of a reputable institution.

Core Competencies of British Airways

In this section, we have combined defined the four core pointers of the study and have made significant attempts towards making a thorough understanding of all odds around us. For the purpose and objective of making British Airways outstand in the market as we see today, there have been several factors that held as core competencies which enable it to grow in the market and at the same time escalate further, being on its way to reach its objective in the best possible way, ultimately rising to the top (Summers, 1995, 71-75).

Reason of success for British Airways: Motivation

Motivation is defined as the driving force behind all activities of individuals within the organization. What this drive does is help us align ourselves and mould our surroundings in terms of making greater amends in the name of goal achievement and help us undertake greater objectives in life. Whenever identifying such behaviors, there have been several synonyms associated with goal attainment; there are sometimes termed as in-built instinct, which help us identify motives and help us escalate in the name of modified learning, gain of knowledge and viable education and development (Wetlaufer, 2000, 12-39).

Abraham Maslow, the father of motivation, has intended a more concrete, yet the most important contribution towards the field of management and employee benefit. The never-ending needs of humans have been categorized into five key categories. These include physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization. Physiological needs cover the basic necessities that humans require to survive in this world, such as food, clothing and shelter. These basic prerogatives need to be fulfilled in order for life to sustain.

Next in line are safety needs that cover and encompass the idea of safety and security once the basic needs have been fulfilled and satisfied in a holistic manner. Third we have social needs which, as the title suggests, cover the accounts of being socially acceptable and highly responsible in terms of holding a significant reputation in the society. People in today's modern world have made these needs a more rigid and a more bossier look to this specific need; clothes, a watch, or even a pair of expensive eyeglasses signify a person's reputation and standing in the society.

Fourth in line comes the need for self-esteem, which broadly suggests belongingness and being close either to family, friends, coworkers, and people around the neighborhood or simply someone an individual adores.

Finally, the completion and the final phase of undertaking is called the phase of ...
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