Briefing Papers

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Briefing Papers

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Briefing Paper 1: Human Resource Management


The research topic for this research paper belongs to the field of human resource management in general. It further comes under the domain of training and development. It will target on administering the level of employee satisfaction in order to get company's targets. This research will be based on the Caustic Soda Company. So, the subjects of this research paper will be the workers of the Caustic Soda Solutions Company. The paper discusses the current issues being faced by Caustic Soda Solutions (CSS) as well as the strategies that can be adopted to transform from a traditional organization to a work based high performance system.

The objective of this research paper is to show that training effects to a great extent on the employee's understanding, familiarity and their performance. Besides increasing the capability of employees in carrying out their official tasks, the need of training and development can prove to be essential when illogical appointments are done. This will help in increasing the output of the company. The understanding of problems and their influence on the company's productivity will make the human resource department take efficient steps to minimize them. Along with this, the research paper will address guidance and growth, performance of employee and his productivity.

Problems faced by Caustic Soda Solutions (CSS)

Caustic Soda Solutions (CSS) is a company who specialized in manufacturing packaged containers for the packaging of their toxic series of products. The company CEO, after attending a conference on organizational development thinks of bringing change to the company. He wants to transform it so that the current problems faced by the organization are addressed in time (Easterby-Smith & Nicolini, 2000). Currently, the organization has a very traditional set up. The CEO plans to move towards a high performance work system organization.

The majority of human resource at the company is people who have been associated with it for the past 10 years or so. These are people who belong to the rural areas and are not only well educated but also hard working. Because of the long association of the workforce with the company Caustic Soda Solutions (CSS) is a very highly unionized company. This means that the labour is being paid higher wages and the labour management relations are at best adversarial.

In addition, these are people who have precious experience but they do not have adequate management knowledge. This means that they do not know how to run the show. The recent hit that the company took on the bottom line is a reflection of the aforementioned statement. They are coming from the old school (Meyer, 2007, p.n.d). There is a serious need of new blood in the organization.

It is general practice that new breed brings in new information and new ideas with them. They always want to do something new. When the new young and fresh employees tried to do the same, they faced status quo. The management made them follow and conform to ...
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