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Solution Focused Brief Therapy for Depression

Solution Focused Brief Therapy for Depression


Depression is one of the most commonly experienced mental conditions amongst all age groups, classes and region. The condition can be defined as severe dejection and despondency along with the feelings of inadequacy and hopelessness. It can also be described as a state of mental disturbance, usually with difficulty in maintaining interest or concentration in life or lack of energy. There have been proposed several treatments from time to time to treat patients with the depression. However, one of the most commonly adapted therapies for the depressed patients is regarded as Solution Focused Brief Therapy or SFBT. With several of its applications very suitable to treat the mental condition of the patients suffering with depression, this treatment or therapy is widely prescribed by doctors to deal with the behavioral and cognitive impairments of the patients.


SFBT or Solution focused brief therapy is often also referred to as 'brief therapy' or 'solution focused therapy' It is a form of talking therapy whose foundations rest upon the social constructionist philosophy. McGee, Del Vinto & Bavelas (2005) state that this therapy emphasize on what the clients aims to achieve through this therapy as opposed to the reasons that made the patients seek help in the first place. The definition can be explained in the context of depression as therapy that focuses on the solutions through which the therapist help the patient to achieve the feeling of satisfaction and content towards his life and his self being.

Key Terms

Some of the key terms that needs to be discussed include

Talking therapies can be regarded as a derivative of the discipline called talking cure.

Psychotherapy is a process that encompasses therapeutic treatment or interaction contracted between any trained expert and a patient, client, couple, family, or group.

Talking Cure is defined as verbal therapy provided by the professional to his patients to solve various social issues and ethical traumas.

Social constructionism can be defined as a sociological theory, which discusses of how different social objects or phenomena of consciousness can develop in different social contexts (Iveson, 2002, pp.153).

Brief Therapy in Wider Health and Social Care Policy Context

There has been conducted several studies that explains the common symptoms of the patients that are usually prescribed to undergo a brief therapy treatment. These symptoms include sleep disturbance, social interaction disturbance, low long-term esteem and feelings of hopelessness. Corcoran (2006) believe that all these conditions are a representation of the critical status of patients' mental health. Franklin, Moore, & Hopson, (2008) belief that insufficient or no treatment of these depression symptoms can also have a huge adverse impact on patient's health. Perkins, (2006) states that insomnia and anorexia followed by depression haves huge side effects on the physical health of the patients.

Gingerich & Eisengrat, (2000) have concluded that the extreme level or stage of depression is when the patients' can potentially develop the ability of violence toward one own ...
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