Breville Group Limited

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Breville Group Limited

Executive Summary

Electronics is a key enabling technology which underpins developments in a range of industries. In 2000-01, the electronics manufacturing industries employed around 34,750 people in Australia, realized turnover of $8.9 billion and contributed more than $2.5 billion to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Over the period 1996-97 to 2000-01, employment in the industry grew by just 0.3% per annum. Wages and salaries increased by 6.5% per annum, suggesting an increasing focus on higher-value activities. The report analyzes SWOT, Balanced Score Card and Critical Success Factors of Breville Group Limited.


Executive Summary2

SWOT Analysis4





Balance Score Card5

Step 1:5

Step 2:6

Critical Success Factor6


Breville Group Limited

SWOT Analysis


The Breville Group has presence across the entire value chain of the energy utility industry.The company's operations range from research, designing, construction, and supervision of electric and civil engineering-related constructions, electric generation, to environmental safety of power plants. The integrated business model enables the company to benefit from the significant value uplift during the project development phase and also offers long term stable cash flow from operation and sale of electricity.


The Breville Group has a limited contribution from other segment. In spite of having expertise in various fields such as information processing, electrical communication and broadcasting which includes information systems and cable television broadcasting services, buildings management, and sale of electric power equipment, among others, the revenues of the company are excessively dependent on the electric segment. The other businesses of the company accounted for only 12.2% of the company's total revenues for FY2011. As the company derives majority of its revenues from the electric segment, any adverse events in the utility sector could negatively affect the company's revenues and profitability.


The regulatory framework includes all the actors and activities involved in setting and monitoring electronics related standards (eg. EMC, CE, etc.), product ...