Breastfeeding To Premature Infants

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Breastfeeding to Premature Infants

Chapter 1: Problem Definition3


Chapter 2: Literature Review5

Chapter 3: Research Methodology20

Chapter 4: Data Analysis23

Data Analysis Summary23

Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations29


Future Research Suggestions31


Chapter 1: Problem Definition

Human milk is a God's gift that has been developed to guarantee best development, growth, and life of preterm babies, young children and infants. Breastfeeding is the suckling of an infant from the human breast. Not only is breast milk considered the ideal form of nourishment for the newborn, but breastfeeding (also known as lactation or nursing) has many other benefits as well for both the mother and baby.


Mothers too often have avertable troubles with feeding their newborns. Routines of Several hospitals make it hard for babies and mothers to effectively breastfeed. When an infant is prematurely born, mothers also experience complexity with breastfeeding, and it is quite regrettable since premature infants require breastfeeding and mother's milk even more than any full term healthy infant. The cause for mothers not acquiring the assistance they require is that several “methods” employed to save a premature infant's life grown in the 1960-70's when breastfeeding was not actually a preference in NICUs (Neonatal Intensive Care Units). Unluckily, in spite of the lot about what has been studied since that time about how to assist babies and mothers to breastfeed, Neonatal Intensive Care Units generally appear to be with some exemptions certainly, opposed to change the mode infants can be supplied mild. Even poorer, several practices have been accepted which construct the condition even more complex. (Thoyre , 2003)

Research Problem

It is quite sad that even if several studies have proved that breast milk is the ideal food for Preemies (Premature infants) but still they are not been fed breast milk in some hospitals like Maimonides medical center (Nyqvist, 2008). Here, a question arises if breast milk is the best formula for Preemies (born 32 weeks and below) or not. This paper discusses this issue.

Research Objective

The objective of this research is to study if the human breast milk is the best formula for premature infants born 32 weeks and below at Maimonides Medical Center or not.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

A review of the literature related to feeding breast milk to Preemies (born 32 weeks and below) shows that it is Not true that premature infants have to be trained to be fed before premature infants could begin breastfeeding. Breastfeding means the giving of mother's milk to a newborn, infant, or child. Studies also show that the preterm infants are less anxious by mother's milk than by bottle milk. An infant as small as 1100 grams, may begin feeding at the mother's breast the moment he/she is steady, although he/she cannot form attachment for some time. Still, he/she is discovering and being held which is significant for the wellbeing of infant and the mother. In fact, gestational age or weight are not of importance to the extent that the infant's willingness to suck the breast, as established by his performing activities of ...
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