Breast Cancer

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Breast Cancer


Breast cancer: what is it?

Cancer indicates the presence of abnormal cells that multiply uncontrollably. In the case of breast cancer, cells can remain in the breast or spread throughout the body via the blood or lymphatic vessels. Breast cancer is the cancer that is most diagnosed cancer in women worldwide, both before and after the menopause. One woman in 9 women is expected to develop breast cancer during her lifetime, and 1 woman in 27 will die.

In most cases, breast cancer occurs after age 50. The survival rate 5 years after diagnosis varies from 80% to 90% depending on the age and type of cancer. The number of patients increased slightly but steadily over the past 3 decades. Note that men can also be affected, they represent 1% of all cases (Sariego, pp 112-134). It is emphasized that breast cancer can present as an asymptomatic swelling and when there are skin retraction is an advanced cancer, so to detect a mass; the patient should seek professional help and ask for an accurate diagnosis based on studies and not in clinical suspicion.

Thesis Statement

The paper discusses about breast cancer and what are the symptoms of breast cancer.

Has breast cancer become epidemic?

Most of the increase in the incidence of breast cancer in the United States has been among women over 50, even though it is younger women who seem to fear breast cancer the most. Only 5 percent of breast cancers occur in women under 40, and 25 percent occur in women under 50. A major reason why death rates from breast cancer have risen in older women is that mortality from other causes has declined.

Literature Review

Breast cancer is a highly aggressive malignant tumor due to its extraordinarily high potency of metastasis. There are two known ways of metastatic breast cancer: the most common - and least common gemogenny. Hematogenous metastases may occur in any organ. Breast cancer is a disease of women of middle and old age. Symptoms of cancer of the body are various degrees of asymmetry of the breast, inverted nipple with serous and spotting, as well as redness and swelling of the skin over the tumor. On palpation, the tumor is determined by the different sizes, according to the form it can be knotted and no uniform consistency, but with rather sharp edges. In advanced cases, the tumor may be in the nature of diffusely infiltrative. There are also edematous infiltrative and ulcerative forms (Keydar, 659-670).

Types of Breast Cancer

The various types of breast cancers evolve in different ways.

Noninvasive cancer

This is the most common type of noninvasive breast cancer in women. As its name suggests, it is formed inside the milk ducts of the breast. This type of cancer is diagnosed much more frequently for more widespread use of mammography. The treatment of this cancer leads to healing in almost all cases. Normally it does not spread. In exceptional cases, without treatment, it continues to grow and can become "invasive" and thus spread outside the milk ...
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