Brand Theories

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Brand Theories

Brand Theories


In the assignment various brand theories are evaluated. The brand marketing through different modes will be analyzed and evaluated. Brand management refers to particular name of the company that is running its product business within national and/or international market. The use of Social Media, Electronic media, Print media, and other sources are very common and adopted by the luxury brands. The impact of this is very strong on the customers and among other competitors. The brands such as Nike, Adidas, Zara, Ralph Lauren and many other brands using different tactics for the marketing of their product in the business.

Social Media and Luxury Brand marketing

Social media is considered as one of the strongest media of connection between the people and among different cultures. Through the social media the choice, liking and disliking of the consumers can be obtained. It is explained by UGC that is User Generated Contents and SNS that is Social Networking Sites have important role for gathering the information and data regarding the consumers of particular region or area. In the fashion industry this is very powerful source such as Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace. These are the social media sets on which every company has particular fan page where they upload latest fashion suits, survey questioners, and collect remarks of the customers.

Social media promoting essentially alludes to the methodology of picking up distinguished and expanding activity through social media locales. In today's time social media destinations are a critical method for picking up individuals' consideration towards any association's administrations or items. There are different social media destinations accessible today through which distinctive associations pick up consideration of diverse buyers to their items and administrations. These long range informal communication destinations permit people to get upgraded with the most recent upgrades of the associations or organizations they are investment (Brown, 2010, pp.26).

People look their obliged data on different social media and long range interpersonal communication locales. Social media furnishes new content and material in the web search tools which as an exchange gives uphold to the exertions of the association's extravagance mark administration. It is exceptionally paramount for business associations to continue redesigning their substance on social media destinations and long range informal communication locales. Showcasing through social media locales could profit the associations in distinctive ways. It might help the associations to addition distinguishment on the planet and the prominence of the items and administrations of the association will likewise pick up notoriety around individuals. In exchange, the association will profit since additional customers will be eager to buy their items and accordingly the benefits and wage of the association will increase.

The need to comprehend the progress of customer brand relationships framed and transformed by means of adaptable UGC installed in social media is a force for proposing a model involving different predecessors to and results of buyers' brand mentality in the novel connection of brands' social media interfaces. In this respect, the present exploration analyzed the advertising potential of social media as an ...