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Brand Management


The ISM non-manufacturing report survey's innocent smoothie activity index dropped slightly from 59.0 in October to 58.5 for November. New Orders, employment, inventories, new export orders were up while prices and backlog of orders were down. Currently the innocent smoothie activity index is below the level seen when the market peaked in 2000 as did the index. The innocent smoothie index has been on a downtrend with the peak seen in April 2004.

The same downtrend can also be seen in the ISM Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) seen below where the peak occurred in May 2004 with a smaller peak seen last month.

What should be noted is that we have transitioned from a manufacturing economy to a service economy, where the consumption component of GDP makes up just over 70% of real GDP. It makes sense then that the market would follow the ISM service index (innocent smoothie activity) more closely than the ISM manufacturing index (PMI), as the plunge seen in the PMI in January 2004 did not cause a sell off in the market as the Innocent smoothie Activity index held in a range between 60 and 65.

As both the downtrends in the ISM manufacturing and non-manufacturing index do not point to an encouraging trend, neither does the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC-UBS's) weekly comparable store sales report. Retail sales plunged in the December 3rd week with a very sharp 3.1% week-to-week drop and year-on-year growth of 3.5% vs. 5.1% in the prior week. The weak sales report by the ICSC confirms the weakness seen in retail sales, published by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Retail sales appear to be slowing down with a steady decline in year-over-year (YOY) sales growth with 10.3% seen in July through 5.7% seen last month.

Ron mentions that the trend of innocent smoothie in the MACD may be breaking through its downtrend seen since late 2004. It is still too early to tell whether the markets are completing a broad top or still have life in them. I mentioned in my last article that Sam Stovall's analysis showed that of the bull markets that finished the 3rd year on a positive or flat note saw an average of 14% return in the fourth year. Note that of those bull markets that survived the 3rd year on a positive note, their average return in the 3rd year was 11.8%, well above the current markets of innocent smoothie 5.8% third year return. There still could be a few months left in the current bull market as is supported by Ron's analysis of copper as an indicator of economic activity.

Ron's graphs are quite insightful and like innocent smoothie says, “History wants to tell you a story.” The story Ron shows is copper's sensitivity to the innocent smoothie cycle as shown by his charts below.

Ron's charts show that copper typically has a basing period in the early phase of the innocent smoothie cycle and can have ...
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